Chapter 16

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God, she was so lucky. It was as though for once in her life, everything was pleasant. Everything was good. Mary Margaret and David were busy working on the adoption papers and finalizing everything. She'd spent the past three days, since they came back from France, rearranging her room.

She'd been given the guest bedroom when she first arrived in Ingrid's family, but it'd been empty and dull. Now that she'd be staying here forever, or at least for the year and a half to come, Emma had decided to make it look more home-y.

Ingrid and she had painted three walls already. Right now, her bed was in the middle of the room and gave her a perfect view of the three walls that had already been painted a light mint green.

She hadn't seen Regina a lot these past days. The girl wanted to spend some time with her parents, now that she hadn't seen them for about two months. She did always send Emma a good morning text.

Emma was already grabbing her phone and as she did, she saw her screen light up with Regina's name. A morning call was even better than a text.

"Hi, 'Gina," Emma greeted her girlfriend.

"Hey," Regina said and Emma rolled over in her bed when she heard Regina's morning voice. She didn't think she'd ever get enough of the raspy tones. It was damn sexy. "I didn't think you'd pick up. Since when are you up so early?"

"Guess my brain subconsciously knew you were going to call me," she said. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice," Regina said and Emma felt her heart melt. "My parents are dying to properly meet you, by the way. They asked if you wanted to come to dinner tonight?"

Emma's eyes widened. She'd never had to meet anyone's parents and she knew this was always considered a big deal. She'd briefly seen Regina's parents when they arrived back in Storybrooke, but to have dinner with them was a whole other level. She knew there was no avoiding it, though, and from the way Regina talked about them, they were lovely.

"Yes, sure. I'll have to ask Mary Margaret and David, but I think they're alright with it," Emma replied. "Ingrid is out with a friend of hers today, so I'm stuck painting the last wall by myself. Unless you're in the mood to paint a wall with me?" Emma asked it as tempting as possible, because painting walls with others was very enjoyable, painting walls alone was boring.

"Very much," Regina said. "I haven't seen you in far too long."

"It's been three days."

"Like I said, far too long," Regina replied and Emma chuckled softly, though she wholeheartedly agreed. Regina and she had spent every second of every day together for almost two months, to spend a day without her was just plain odd.

"You could come over now? I have a great spot next to me in bed."

"I wouldn't want to wake your family. It's like 7 a.m. on a Saturday," Regina said. "They must be still asleep."

"They don't need to hear you come in. I'll open the door for you. I miss you and I want to see you. You don't even have to change out of your pajamas. You can just come right back in bed with me."

"Okay, then," Regina said and Emma held back a squeal. She hurried downstairs, as softly as possible, and opened the front door at the same time as Regina. The girl hurried down her pavement, through the fence, through Emma's fence, to Emma and hugged her tightly. Emma pecked her lips and pulled her inside.

"God, I missed you," she said and they went upstairs. Emma pulled Regina with her in bed and Regina moved her body close to Emma's. She kissed Emma tenderly and raked her hand through Emma's hair.

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