Chapter 20

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Regina peeked in the guest bedroom that would soon be Henry's official bedroom. Emma was lying with her son in her arms, softly whispering things. It warmed Regina's heart. She didn't want to disturb them, so she softly returned to her and Emma's bedroom.

She quickly changed clothes and got in bed. The drive had made her tired and all the emotions on top of that made her even more exhausted. She felt herself drifting off to sleep and right when she was about to leave reality altogether, she heard Emma close the bedroom door.

"I love you, Regina," she said and walked to Regina's side of the bed to kiss Regina's forehead. Regina moaned softly and opened one eye. She pulled Emma on top of her and connected their lips. "I never got to give you my gift," she added. "But I already woke you up and I wouldn't want to deprive you of any sleep."

"No, I want it now," Regina immediately replied and sat up straight in bed. Emma got off Regina's body and undressed herself. "I already like it a lot," Regina said as she let her eyes roam over Emma's body.

"No, I.. this is not it," Emma said and blushed. Regina loved that she could still make Emma blush. "I'm just changing into my pajamas."

"Or spare the trouble and don't wear pajamas today," Regina stated casually and received an eye roll from Emma, but her wife did listen.

"Only if you take off that nightgown as well," Emma said and crawled next to Regina, pressing her naked self against her wife. Regina felt Emma move up the garment and slide her fingers higher up her thigh. Regina could feel her wife's fingers almost touching the spot where she wanted to be touched most, but Emma abruptly moved away.

"Hey!" Regina exclaimed in annoyance.

"You're the one that wanted your gift now," Emma replied with a shrug and grabbed her laptop from her nightstand. "I made you a movie. Of us."

She started the laptop and Regina looked at her wife, asking herself once again how she'd managed to get so lucky and so, intensely, happy.

"You ready?" Emma asked and Regina smiled as she looked at the screen. She saw the two of them sitting at the lake, as teenagers. She figured Mary Margaret or David had taken this picture from the cottage and she felt her heart pound loudly.

"Always," Regina said and Emma pressed play. It was a movie of photos and short videos of the two of them and their friends. It started with their time in France, followed by the video of Emma standing up for her against Fiona.

Regina hadn't seen that video in over ten years. For her, it'd been an important milestone in their relationship, because it showed that Emma had gotten her confidence back after years of abuse. Fiona hadn't spoken to her ever since the video had gone viral and people had let them be.

Photos from trips, videos with friends, Regina felt like Emma hadn't missed a single thing in their relationship and her stomach fluttered with love and adoration. A tear of joy rolled down her cheek once it was over.

"It's not nearly as good as bringing back your lost son, but I didn't know we'd set the standard so high this year," Emma said softly, but Regina didn't reply. Instead, she kissed her wife and savored every second of it all.

"I love it," Regina said. "I absolutely love it. And I love you. And Henry and our baby. I love our family."


Emma held tiny Hope in her arms. Holding your own newborn in your hands is much better when you know it's not going to be taken away from you. The baby was small and had the cutest little fingers. Babies were wrinkled and unshaped the first few days after birth, but Emma had immediately fallen in love with her. Just like she had with Henry.

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