Chapter 14

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Regina hadn't said anything in over a minute. She'd closed her eyes and was just breathing steadily and if Emma hadn't known her so well, she'd have figured that Regina had falled asleep. But she had a wrinkle between her eyebrows, so Emma knew she was thinking.

"Why couldn't you accept I feel the same way about you? Why did you push me away? Is it really that much easier?" She opened her eyes again and Emma moved her hand up to touch Regina's cheek. She carefully caressed the skin with her fingertips and let them roam over Regina's lips. The lips she now used for kissing Mal.

"I just want you to be happy, Regina. Even if that's not with me."

"Well, I'm not," Regina said and moved her hand from Emma's cheek to her hip, sliding it over the Emma's body. "I don't want to be with Mal anymore. I didn't want to be with her in the first place, but you are the one who convinced me to try."

"So, now it's all my fault?" Emma raised her voice, but flinched when another thunderclap sounded in the sky. Regina moved her hand to Emma's lower back and pulled the girl as close as humanly possible.

"Yes, actually. It is," Regina said, but chuckled softly. "You're the reason everything isn't the way it should be. If you hadn't been here, I would've started things happily with Mal without any problems. But now, you are the one I'm constantly thinking of. You are the one I want to kiss and hold. You are the one I want to be with and you are too dumb to realize I'm falling madly in love with you. Not Mal. You."

Emma stayed quiet. "How do you think Mal feels about you confessing your love to another girl," she asked with a slight smirk and felt her heart pound loudly.

"Shut up."

"You got me talking, you're the one needing to suffer for that," Emma replied defiantly and for the first time in days she felt the feeling of genuine happiness come back again.

"Don't you see how unfair that is? I'm the good guy here." Regina playfully rolled her eyes and Emma's smirk grew wider.

"No, you're not. You're mistreating your girlfriend. See what kind of bad influence I have on you?"

"Let's see, shall we?" Regina asked and moved the few inches forward to capture Emma's lips. Emma didn't know what to do for a brief second. Regina was with Mal, this was wrong in every possible way. Yet, she couldn't help kissing back.

She let Regina take the lead and followed her rhythm with her tongue. Regina played with the hem of her pajama shirt and slowly slipped her hand underneath. Emma followed her example and touched Regina's skin with her hand. She blocked the outside world completely. No lightning or thunder bothered her, because the only thing she could hear was their heavy breathing and hearts pounding.

Emma eventually broke apart. "You cheated," she said softly.

"No, I didn't," Regina said. "Mal and I aren't officially together. By that logic, I'd have cheated on you with Mal."

"That's not true."

"I know," Regina replied. "But I don't want to be made out for a cheater. After all, it is your fault."

"How so?" Emma asked offended and a smile played at her lips.

"First of all, you forced me with Mal, second, you're way too attractive not to be kissed."

Emma laughed and bit her lower lip before she kissed Regina again. Regina's fingernails dug lightly in her skin and she arched her back. She moved away from Regina's lips and kissed her jawline. She carefully sucked the tender skin and a soft moan escaped from Regina's lips.

"I'm sorry," Emma said. "I acted really crappy towards you and you really didn't deserve it. I shouldn't have reacted so rude after you told me how you felt. I've just never had anyone care about me like that."

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