Chapter 18

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"Emma, you're all over TikTok." Ingrid barged into her room and held her phone up. "Someone recorded you snapping at those guys and Fiona, people are loving it."

Emma frowned and took Ingrid's phone. She bit her lower lip and cringed as she watched herself snap at those boys. She didn't even know their names yet and she'd felt much more intimidating than she looked.

"Look at these comments," Ingrid said and scrolled through the three hundred comments and she knew there were constantly ones being added. How some videos just blew up on TikTok, Emma never knew. She didn't recognize the name of the person that had posted it.

The comments varied from "damn, she's attractive", to "ugh, main character" and some disregarding emojis. Emma couldn't really care though. She'd never had a lot of attention in any way and especially not on social media. She believed her Instagram had exactly forty followers of people she'd met in her life, but she never used it.

"You did great, standing for yourself like that," Ingrid said and collapsed on Emma's bed. Emma herself was sitting at her new desk. It was white and neat and its drawers were still quite empty, but she knew they'd get filled along the way.

Regina and she had spent Saturday and Sunday painting and decorating her new room, but Emma had to admit it'd been more efficient working with Ingrid, because that way she didn't constantly get distracted. Regina and she had spent lots of their time making out and touching each other. It was hard to be so close to each other, but doing another activity that didn't require physical contact.

She smiled at the memory, but she still felt a little upset about everything that had happened with Fiona a few hours ago. She grabbed her phone and read the unopened message yet again. Regina had asked her to hang out in the park tonight and talk things over, but Emma wasn't sure she wanted to hear what Regina had to say.

"Fiona is really annoying, isn't she?" Ingrid asked and looked at Emma. Emma nodded and played with her pencil.

"Quite," she said. "And Regina just lets it all happen. Something occurred between the two of them, didn't it?"

Ingrid swallowed and shrugged. "I'm not the one to tell you about that," she said and sat up straight. "But you're having a hard time with it, aren't you?"

"No," Emma replied immediately. "I mean, I know Regina hasn't been single all her life, I just wished she'd have told me, you know? I thought we'd shared like.. every important aspect of our past."

"That means it probably isn't very important to her," Ingrid said. "Don't get too upset because of this. Fiona doesn't mean shit to Regina."

"But she isn't bothered by her during lunch. How's that possible? If that girl really spends every day at her table.. how hasn't she lost it yet, Fiona's so annoying."

"Regina just turns her off. She's very good at ignoring people. But seriously, I don't think Fiona's gonna bother sitting next to you both after seeing this video," Ingrid said. "During our conversation, it's gained five hundred likes, this is insane."

Emma grabbed her own phone and replied to Regina's text. She owed Regina a chance to explain everything. After all, it wasn't her girlfriend's fault that Fiona was such a dick.

So, she'd agreed to meeting Regina that evening at 11 p.m. on one of the benches in the park.


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