Chapter 15

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Regina was sweating her ass off. She was absolutely soaked and her feet ached, but the view was stunning. Emma's blonde curls were tied in a ponytail and she was gazing around, amazed. She was breathtaking when she was happy. She was gorgeous when she was unhappy too, but seeing Emma happy caused a whole other kind of feelings to erupt inside of Regina.

"I think I'll never get enough of mountains," she said. "It's so beautiful. Everywhere I look there's just more beauty." Her hair bounced as she happily turned her head all around, making sure she wouldn't miss anything.

"Regina, did you hear the big news yet?" Ingrid asked and tightened her ponytail. Regina could see she was very hot as well, but they'd been walking for several hours already, so it'd be weird for them not to be burning hot and exhausted.

"Of course I did," Regina said. She immediately knew Ingrid was talking about Emma getting adopted. Regina hadn't been able to express how happy she was for Emma and how much the girl deserved it. She deserved all the love in the world and Ingrid's family would be perfect to give her that.

"What news?" Emma asked.

Regina cocked her head and eyed Ingrid. "You didn't hear? Mary Margaret and David are planning Regina and your wedding," Ingrid said casually and Emma rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha," she said sarcastically. "What news?"

"She's for real," Regina said. "Mary Margaret and David are arranging everything. They let me pick the flowers yesterday. I went with roses, I hope that's okay with you?" Regina asked, with a serious look on her face. "I mean, lilies are beautiful, but roses are far better."

Ingrid bit her lower lip and Regina could see she had a hard time holding back a laugh. "You're in charge of the music, Emma. You get to choose between a string quartet or a DJ."

Emma gritted her teeth and walked away annoyed. Ingrid and Regina laughed and quickly caught up with her. "Em.."

"No, now I'm annoyed. I don't like you two teaming up," Emma said, but Regina noticed she wasn't really angry. She grabbed Emma's hand and stopped her from walking any further. They still had to wait for Mary Margaret and David to catch up with them anyway, because they walked at a much slower pace. "What news were you talking about?"

She sat down in the grass and put on her sunglasses to look at Ingrid and Regina. "You getting adopted of course, dumbass," Regina said, playfully, and sat down next to her. "That's the only big news going around here. You.. are aware you're going to be adopted, right?"

"I'm the one who told you," Emma said, "dumbass."

Regina scoffed, but chuckled. Ingrid sat down on the other side next to Emma and hugged her. "You're going to be my little sis."

"Not that little," Emma replied, but reciprocated the hug. "You're going to be my big sis," she added softly.

"Mary Margaret and David picked September 26th as date for the wedding. Does that work for you?" Ingrid asked and Emma immediately pushed her away. "You are horrible. Both of you," she said.

"I'm a little offended the idea of marrying me annoys you so much," Regina replied and blinked innocently at Emma. The blonde got up and pulled Regina with her. She cupped Regina's cheeks and moved her lips to the brunette's. Regina was about to connect their lips, when Emma moved away.

"You shouldn't rush things," Emma said, casually, but with a slight smirk playing at her lips. "You're not even my girlfriend, 'Gina."

"God, you two still aren't together?" Ingrid asked. "Why not?"

Regina pointed at Emma. "Do you see how mean she is? Teasing me and then not even letting me kiss her. I don't want a relationship with someone that evi.." Emma had smashed her lips against Regina's, before she could finish her last word. Though Regina had been merely joking, she was glad she could feel Emma's lips against her own again.

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