Chapter 10

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"What are you doing here?" Mal squealed excitedly and Emma could see Regina finally comprehending what was happening. She hugged the girl. It was a long hug and Emma eventually looked at the floor.

Mal was a very pretty girl. Emma knew that people would love seeing them together, just because they were both so pleasant to look at.

"I'm with Ingrid's family on vacation. God, I thought it'd be four years before I saw you again, not four months! I missed you so much," Regina said and pulled away from Mal's body, only to look her in the eyes. Mal cupped her cheeks and bit her lower lip.

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing you here," Mal said, softly and with a tone full of disbelief. Emma flashed Killian a look, but he just seemed utterly confused at what was happening in front of him.

He seemed too stunned to say anything whatsoever, maybe the alcohol played a part in that as well, but Emma could see Mr. and Mrs. Moon, or however Killian had called them, didn't really know where to go and what to do.

"Mr. and Mrs. Gold are in our cottage, just down the road. If you take a left, you'll find it immediately," Emma said, kindly, and the couple nodded gratefully. They waved shortly, but nobody except for Emma noticed it.

"Let's go inside, I want to hear everything you've been up to," Mal said and tugged Regina with her to the living room. Killian stayed in the hallway along with Emma and seemed baffled.

"How the hell do those two know each other?"

"They were in a relationship," Emma said. "Regina was.. or I suppose, is, madly in love with her. Didn't see this coming, though."

She felt conflicted. Regina and she had constantly made it clear that they weren't anything more than friends, but Emma now realized she'd still had hope. She'd hoped Regina and she were going towards something more than friends, but that hope had just disappeared in a split second. It was clear Regina was still head over heels in love with Mal.

Killian leaned against her and Emma could smell his breath. It reeked of alcohol and she swallowed thickly. "Maybe we should go inside as well," she said and pushed Killian off of her.

When she entered the living room, her stomach dropped. Regina was giggling uncontrollably, but it wasn't the way Emma usually saw her giggle. In her hand was a filled shot glass and the brunette was putting salt on her wrist, preparing the tequila shot.

Emma looked at Mal, who was holding the bottle in one hand and touching Regina's thigh intimately with the other. Ingrid and Robin had fallen asleep on the couch, with clothes on - thank God, but Emma knew she'd soon be the only sober one. She knew Regina was to make her own decisions, but she'd truly hoped the girl would've stayed sober with her.

"Poor Emma, she's going to be the only one not drinking now," Killian said and wrapped his arm around her. "I promise to act as sober as possible for you. I won't puke."

Emma couldn't even fake a smile, but put her hand on top of Killian's. Regina muttered a soft "excuse me" to Mal and walked to the kitchen. She looked at Emma as if she expected the blonde to follow her and though Emma didn't want to, she couldn't resist those brown eyes.

Regina closed the kitchen door once Emma was inside and looked at her. Neither said anything, so they just looked at each other.

"What's up, Regina?" Emma eventually asked. "Why did you want me here?"

"Never explicitly said I did."

"Okay, then I'm going. Bye," Emma said and was already walking away, when Regina grabbed her hand. She turned around and felt herself getting annoyed, though she had no reason to. Regina didn't owe her anything just like she didn't owe Regina anything.

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