Chapter 11

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"What the hell." Emma slowly opened her eyes and saw Killian rubbing his head. "The person who came up with hangovers can suck my fucking dick. Crap."

"Go and get some aspirin," Emma said and closed her eyes again. She didn't want to wake up yet, because she didn't want to face reality yet. Reality was that she'd responded in the rudest way to Regina telling her she liked her and that Regina had no done God knew what with Mal, last night.

The bed dipped beside her, but she didn't open her eyes. Killian was back soon, but he was quiet and she liked him that way most.  She turned her back to him and felt a soft hand on her hip.

She slapped it away. "Fuck off, Killian," she muttered. Last night, he hadn't tried anything, but apparently, he'd suddenly found the audacity to touch her now.

"I prefer Regina." Fuck Regina's morning voice was hot. She kept her back to the brunette and closed her eyes even tighter. She pulled the duvet higher up and hoped Regina would just leave the room. "I want to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say," Emma responded.

"That's okay, I just want you to listen, then," Regina said. "Because you should know I'm pissed at you."

Emma felt her chest tighten and her heart pounded loudly. Regina had never been angry with her before and she felt embarrassed by it. "Good. You should be. I am pissed at myself too," Emma replied.

"God, Emma, you can't even look at me anymore! Ever since last night you've been acting downright selfish and mean and you're not even telling me why. I'd have figured it'd something to do with Mal's arrival, but after you so coldly rejected me, I don't know anymore."

Emma turned around and looked Regina in the eyes. She rested her head on the fluffy pillow and bit her lower lip. "Could you please just tell me what's going on?"

"What do you want to hear?" Emma said, raising her voice. "Yes, it did hurt when I saw you with a shot glass in your hand the second after Mal had arrived, even though I know that makes no fucking sense, because it's your own choice. And like I said, I don't want to be involved in your romance drama. You still care a lot about her, evidently, and I don't want to be the person taking you away from that. Otherwise, you'll forever blame me for not having given it another chance. We're friends, Regina. We've always been friends and I do like to keep it that way."

"I don't know how I feel about Mal, anymore," Regina said.

"Then let me help you: you're in love with her. Madly. Regina, I've heard you talk about her these past few weeks. You're being given the opportunity to spend at least a few weeks with her, why, for God's sake, wouldn't you take that chance?"

Emma could see Regina swallow. The brunette was staring at the ceiling and Emma could see just by looking at her, how conflicted Regina was. She didn't know why the girl was making such a big deal about this.

"We've always been just friends?" Regina eventually asked and looked at Emma, who nodded, hoping Regina was finally starting to understand that they were not happening. "And now, you just want to remain just friends, like we were?"

Emma smiled and nodded. "Then kiss me," Regina said.


"If you claim we've always been just friends and we're still just friends, kissing me now would certainly not be any different? I don't have a relationship yet, so it's not cheating."

"Shut up," Emma muttered and buried her head in the pillow. She didn't want to talk about this with Regina anymore. "Don't you see I'm making things much easier for you?"

"No, you aren't. Because I'm not going to take on a relationship if that ruins my friendship with you and if you keep acting distant like this, it's not worth it."

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