Chapter 4

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Jaime was thankful for the cover of darkness. It provided a means of escape. Riding deeper into the woodlands, the distance between Brienne and Cersei's grip grew. It should have given him a sense of relief. However, as civilization became more removed from them, his worry for Brienne increased. Her laboring was growing worse, he knew he would need to find shelter for her soon. All he wanted for her was a soft bed and warm fire. As it was, the chance was becoming greater that she would be forced to deliver their child in an open field or a thicket of brush. He found himself wishing for even a cave. At least it would be secluded. A stinging cruel reality occurred to him that their babe would enter the world welcomed by the chill of the night air, on a blanket of dirt.

Brienne was in agony. Jaime could tell their forced journey was torturous for her. She had long since abandoned her vow to stay distant from him and now leaned heavily against his shoulder. Her body was ravaged by the pains which were coming faster, lasting longer, and twisting her belly harder with each passing mile. Her breath burst from her lungs in uncontrollable gasps. The pain-filled whines that had escaped her throat in the clearing had become louder until her deep guttural groaning drowned out even the sound of their horse hooves.

"I'm sorry." Brienne gulped, squeezing her eyes shut. "I don't mean to be so loud." She panted regretfully.

Jaime shook his head against hers. "No." He told her forcefully. "You do not apologize for anything." He assured her. "There is no one around for miles. Howl if you need to." He thought he felt her smile weakly against his neck, and it made him feel a little better, but only for a moment.

"I will need to stop soon." Brienne forced through her desperate moans. Her fingers trying to calm the spasms in her abdomen by drawing circles over her swollen belly. She was beginning to feel the pressure of the baby moving downward in her hips.

"I know." Jaime answered intensely. He tightened his arms around her. She allowed it.

The urgency with which Jaime drove the horse escalated. He had to find a place. Healers or even inns were out the questions. Someone might recognize them. There were none in the direction they rode anyway. He would not even trust a sept. Perhaps some cloistered monastery, or a tiny hidden farm. Anyone he would find in places of that sort would hold no loyalty to the crown. He was sure of that. He feared there would be nothing along their path.

'Gods in the Heavens.' His soul screamed silently. 'Please. She deserves better than this.' He implored the Seven. 'She deserves better than me.' Jaime admitted to himself.

As if in answer to his prayer, the moon broke through the clouds, it's light illuminating a tiny derelict cottage ahead of them. Jaime and Brienne breathed a collective hopeful breath as the shack came into view. Brienne sat up a little. Anywhere would be better than the hard awkward saddle she had known since her labor began. As they approached, it was clear the structure was abandoned. The walls seemed to be supported by the ivy that shrouded them, and a good portion of the roof was missing, but it would keep Brienne out of the night breezes and that was all Jaime cared about. With a rush of hope, he noticed a stone chimney still standing tall on one side of the little house. Perhaps there could at least be a fire.

Jaime pulled the horse up slowly in front of their small sanctuary, vigilant for any threats but finding none readily apparent. For a moment he felt Brienne relax in his arms. She let out a lengthy and relieved sigh through her pursed lips. Her respite did not last long. She slumped forward over the horse's neck, the aching in her body growing more urgent. Her loud wail pierced the night. Swallowing his own panic Jaime jumped from the saddle, sliding Brienne carefully into his arms. She crumpled into his grasp, any resistance gone. His heart frantic, the woman he loved nestled protectively in his arms ready to give birth to his child, he rushed her inside the little hidden refuge he had finally found.

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