Chapter 12

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Jaime had seen the island before. He had stared at it from the deck of a ship as he passed. Then, he had been on his way to Dorne to rescue Myrcella. There had been more than simply distance between himself and Brienne. The sight of the verdant meadows on the mountainsides rising above the sapphire waters had given his such a sense of peace that he had nearly smiled in longing before all of the crew. As he stared at her home, it had felt that Brienne had been standing at his side. Seeing the peaks and beaches of Tarth now gave him the joy of knowing that she was safe, along with their son. He thought to himself with satisfaction that since he had killed Cersei, they would remain so, without threat. His happiness and serenity were tinged with uncertainty at the thought of the reception he would receive from Brienne's father, Lord Selwyn, the Evenstar.

He had ridden for days from Kings Landing to reach the docks near Storm's End. Upon his arrival, Jaime had booked passage aboard a merchant vessel to ferry him the remainder of the way to Tarth. He stood nervously at the rail as they crossed Shipbreaker Bay. Oathkeeper hung proudly from his belt alongside his own Widows Wail. The saddlebag which held Cersei's head was tucked securely under his arm. Jaime kept the hood of his cloak raised to shield his face from anyone who might recognize him. He spoke not a single word to the crew as he stood, watching the seaside island town of Castle Port come into view over the lapping waves.

The town spread itself at the base of a tall hill, upon which sat Evenfall Hall, Brienne's ancestral home. Jaime breathed deeply, drawing in the sweet salty ocean air that somehow seemed to free his soul and reminded him of Brienne herself. He had not yet even set foot on Tarth, and already everything about the isle brought the woman he loved so clearly to his mind. It was pure, and bright, standing strong and tall against the barrage of the sea. Part of the realm, yet distant from it in majesty and grace. Deciding it's own destiny and unscathed by the turmoil so rampant on the mainland. There was a steadfastness to the place. It seemed truly a rare gem glistening more dazzling than the sun. It was just like Brienne.

After arriving at the docks, Jaime retrieved his horse from the stalls in the hold, and rode for Evenfall without wasting a moment. He recalled Brienne's tears as she wished for her father. He also remembered her apprehension and uncertainty at what would be Lord Selwyn's reaction to her unwed motherhood. Jaime hoped that Brienne's father would prove as honorable and as loving to his daughter as he felt certain anyone who could raise such as her would be. He was, however, also preparing himself to sever ties with the Evenstar should the man cast even the hint of defamation upon Brienne or Galladon.

Jaime sat regally in the saddle as he approached the gates of Evenfall. "I must speak with the Evenstar." He declared loudly and formally to the guards stationed at the entrance to the grounds of the great castle. The armed sentinels all but smirked at his order. Lord Selwyn was the voice of authority on Tarth, and they did not take orders from anyone else.

"I need to speak with Lord Selwyn." Jaime repeated, this time even more sternly than before. "I bring news of his daughter, Ser Brienne." His tone grew urgent and annoyed at the mockery of the guards.

"Let him enter!" A loud, commanding voice boomed from the other side of the barbican. The armored men jumped to comply. They raised the portcullis, and allowed Jaime entrance into the walls that had watched Brienne grow.

He trotted his horse through the inner yard of Evenfall in a manner that expressed the confidence and self assurance he did not feel. All the while he felt Lord Selwyn's stare burning a hole straight through him. The main doors of the castle were reached by a long broad stone staircase. The Evenstar stood imposingly upon the top landing watching Jaime disdainfully. Brienne's father had all of her height, and it appeared none of her gentleness. Although he was a man of advancing year, Jaime realized that Lord Selwyn could probably still give him a good fight if he chose to demand satisfaction for Jaime's defiling of his daughter. He was fairly certain the Evenstar was aware by now of what had happened at Winterfell.

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