Chapter 9

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Jamie felt as though he could breath again. With Casterly Rock rising from the cliff before them, their journey was all but ended. Safety awaited them just within the thick fortified stone walls. He still insisted that Brienne and the babe lie hidden in the wagon, but he smiled widely and confidently for the first time in weeks. He was anxious to see his brother and properly convey the debt of gratitude he owed. Somehow, Tyrion had known that he and Brienne were headed for the Rock, and he had sent Podrick to ensure their arrival. Jaime knew he would never be able to repay him for the lives of Brienne and Galladon.

"Open the gate." Podrick shouted to the squires who peered down at them from the battlements. "And fetch Lord Tyrion." He ordered. It was obvious Pod had spent time at The Rock while traversing the continent on his search. He was known, and his commands were followed. Jaime reflected proudly that it was good to see the leadership that Brienne had instilled in the young man.

They drove the wagon swiftly into the courtyard. Bringing the horse to a stop as if they had finally reached the shore after treading water for a hundred years. Huge smiles broke out on the faces of Jaime and Podrick, to have their worrisome journey finally ended. Podrick jumped from his mount and reached to steady the work horse that had so loyally pulled the wagon across the Westerlands. Jaime climbed down from his perch, and breathed in the familiar warm salt air. He took a moment to allow the relief to wash over him.

"Jaime!" Tyrion's loud jovial call rang across the courtyard as he bounded from the door of the great hall toward his brother. The two shared a long and tearful embrace. Both had feared they would ever see the other again.

Tyrion spied the seemingly empty wagon over Jaime's shoulder. His heart sank, and he pulled free to view Jaime's expression. "Where...Where is Brienne?" He questioned, already grieved, expecting the worst.

Jaime broke into a wide grin, and snuffed against his happy tears. "She is well, and the babe." He exclaimed.

Jaime rose, and Tyrion followed his joyful stride to the hay filled cart. The elder Lannister brother reached into the straw, thrashing it back and forth until he found Brienne's lovely smile beaming up at him. He helped her to sit up. "We've made it." He told her happily. "We are safe." Her joy matched his as he lifted her from the bed of the farm wagon and set her upon her feet, finally within the security of his ancestral walls.

Tyrion bowed long and low, in reverence. "Ser Brienne." He acknowledged. "It is my honor at last, to welcome you to Casterly Rock." His eyes twinkled with anticipation, noticing the flatness of her belly. Everything that had taken place in the Red Keep the day of her discovery had been reported to Tyrion by his spies. He was well aware that Brienne had been expecting Jaime's child. He was well aware of what she had suffered.

Brienne nodded in gratitude, as Jaime's arm found her waist and held her tightly. "I can never convey to you the depths of my thankfulness." She smiled in earnest. She could not contain her happy tears as her gaze moved to Jaime, who pulled her even closer. Tyrion's heart grew warm at the affection between the couple.

"You are family." Tyrion affirmed. "There is no need." He assured Brienne.

"Speaking of family." Jaime announced, proudly. He winked at Brienne who turned and reached back into the bed of the wagon.

Within moments, Brienne had scooped up their sleeping babe and cradled him in her arms. Turning back to Jaime, she nestled once more into his embrace, her loving glance traveling from his face to their babe's and back again. Stealing a well deserved moment, Jaime reached over and kissed Brienne's jaw below her ear. He happily played with their child's hands, who even in his sleep grabbed onto his father's familiar fingers and squeezed them strongly. Again, Jaime's smile rivaled the bright sun that shone overhead, as if the Heavens themselves were blessing them all. Brienne knelt, eager to give Tyrion a better view of the child.

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