Chapter 14

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Soft morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the bedchamber that Brienne and Jaime shared. A quiet, lazy anticipation hung in the air for the events of the day to come. The sunrise itself paled in comparison to the happiness the couple had already found, and which would be celebrated that very evening. When next they awakened in the sunrise of a new day, they would be husband and wife.

Jaime awoke in his favorite posture, his arms wrapped around Brienne, her face nestling against his neck. He breathed in the glorious aroma of her hair, and felt her soft breath tickle his skin. Kissing her temple, he pulled her even closer to him, the same perpetual love-drunk smile resting upon his features as had been there since he had retuned to Brienne at Casterly Rock from ridding them of the scourge that was his sister. It was upon their reuniting that Brienne had agreed to become his wife. Their betrothal had been several weeks earlier. The wait had been interminable for both Jaime and Brienne. They would have been just as pleased to stand before the septon the very night of their betrothal, but Tyrion had insisted upon presenting them with a proper wedding, and demanded that the preparations be carried out to the letter.

Lord Selwyn had remained on at Casterly Rock as the Lannister's honored guest, and would present his beloved daughter in matrimony to Jaime. He soon joined Tyrion is ensuring that all would be perfect. Their discussions and disagreements encompassed all of the aspects of a noble wedding, and ran the course from guest list to flower arrangements. Jaime and Brienne found the discourse quite amusing, and understood how much the festivities meant to his brother and her father. The bride and groom would not have taken the joy of the planning from them for anything. Watching the details of their wedding being decided between the Lords of Evenfall and Casterly Rock became an entertaining daily show for the couple.

This morning, Jaime's loving kiss upon her temple rousted Brienne from her peaceful slumber. She drew a deep refreshing breath, stretching the sleep from her body, and smiled sweetly at him. "Hmmmm." She sighed, enjoying his nearness. It had become their practice to enjoy the first moments of their mornings, before their babe awakened, passionately welcoming each other back from their dreams which had been equally filled with the other. Of course, their mutual appreciation often became ardent love making. Jaime was hoping this morning would be no different.

"Good morning, My Love." He growled lowly into Brienne's ear. She answered him with a soft, expectant moan of her own, grinding her hips closer into him. She, too, was looking forward to their usual morning routine. Their lips met, breaking their fast of each other in the most delicious way.

Jaime moved his weight atop Brienne, pinning her to the mattress, and deepened his kiss upon her lips. She accepted his amorous motions with the utmost pleasure. A small, giggle escaped her throat at his adorable need for her. She loved it. She loved him.

Feigning, injured feelings, Jaime pulled from her embrace. "What?" He chuckled at her tiny laugh.

"Nothing." Brienne grinned, her fingers sliding down the muscles of his arms.

"Don't give me that." Jaime pouted. "You laughed." He continued, enjoying his little game, and growing more aroused all the while.

"I did not laugh.' Brienne acted hurt, although she was becoming wet at the feel of his excitement for her upon the sensitive nerves between her legs.

Jaime reached in for one more quick kiss, and then renewed his protests. "You did." He complained, sticking out his chin in exaggerated defiance. "You laughed." He brushed his mouth harder against hers to emphasize his point, and then eyed her, pretending to be suspicious.

Brienne bit her lower lip, trying to hold onto the taste of Jaime's kiss. She rolled her eyes, cooing at him as her leg moved around his hip. "I was just remembering..." She began, pausing to enjoy the image in her mind, and arching her back seductively. "The first time I awoke in your arms." She reminisced.

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