Chapter 10

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They had been at Casterly Rock for a fortnight. Brienne slowly began to relax into a stable and gracious way of life. Her days were filled with caring for Galladon. Her nights were filled with Jaime. They enjoyed a quiet, almost leisurely pattern to their days. There were strolls through the gardens, lounging on the shaded patios that opened to vast ocean vistas, and laughing together watching their son explore a world ever new to him. Evenings saw lavish dinners, and gazing at each other in the firelight. While the nights were filled with endless love making. Brienne could nearly manage to forget the ordeal through which she had suffered. She almost began to imagine that nothing in the entire world could ever threaten them. Then she would remember that all they did was kept safely within the confines of the walls of the ancient fortress.

Tyrion had sent word to the Starks of Brienne's deliverance from Cersei's dungeon. "A raven just arrived from Winterfell." He told Brienne one morning. "Queen Sansa writes that she is overwhelmed with joy and relief that you have been returned to us." He relayed. "She also sends her most heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your son." He smiled. Brienne felt  tears glistening in her eyes at the thought of her duties in the North, cut short by her captivity. She missed Sansa, and she missed the feeling of service. She grinned and tried to hide her tears from Jaime, but he saw them, and they nearly broke him.

One beautiful afternoon,  Brienne mentioned her wish take Galladon on a walk by the surf, as she would if they were on Tarth. Her face saddened at the realization of the impossibility of her hope. They could be ambushed even so close to The Rock, and although the chance was small, it was a risk neither she nor Jaime were not willing to take. He smiled apologetically, as he kissed her temple and quickly changed the subject, trying to offer a pleasing alternative for the afternoon.  Brienne looked embarrassed, she did not want him to think her dissatisfied by her refuge. She quickly accepted his suggestion for a picnic in the terraced yards overlooking The Sunset sea. Jaime tried his best to hide his remorse, but he knew he could not ask Brienne and their son to live a life cloistered away from the rest of the world forever.

Brienne's nightmares did not worsen during this time. However, they became no better. She continued even now, though wrapped safely in Jaime's arms, to awaken terrified by the visions of harm that plagued her sleep. He would hold Brienne as she cried, and bring their son to her, trying desperately to reassure the woman he loved. Eventually, she would drift back into a fitful sleep. Jaime would lie beside her, his thoughts filled with bitter hatred at the monster who had forced those vivid images into Brienne's brain. He used those moments to cement his designs for Cersei's death firmly into a flawless plan. He saw his every movement through the shadows of the Red Keep, along the halls that would finally lead him to his freedom. Over and over again, he visualized the actions he would take.  He was ready, and the time had come.

Finally, came the moment, Jaime had dreaded. He could delay no longer. "I need to speak with." He turned solemnly to Brienne as they sat on a bench near a garden fountain late one afternoon.

Galladon had been fussy all that day, almost as if he could sense his father's apprehension. Brienne did what she could to calm her son, however, nothing seemed to truly settle him. As Jaime spoke, Brienne brought her attentions from their child in her arms, to Jaime's adoring face. "What is it?" She asked. His tone brought concern to her gaze.

Jaime took her hand, and stared deep into Brienne's eyes for a long moment. He stroked back a strand of sunny hair that had fallen across her face. Then, suddenly, he could not bare to look at the shining adoration he found as he beheld her. He turned to stare at some point across the stoney paths which he did not truly see. "I have to go back." His voice was nearly a whisper.

Brienne's heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. Her arms went numb, and she struggled to keep her grip on Galladon. All of the color drained from her face. She swallowed the acid that was seeping up into her throat. "You are going back?" She repeated, unsure of what she had heard.
Jaime dropped his chin remorsefully. He could almost hear Brienne's heart breaking. He nodded slowly and sorrowfully.

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