Chapter 15

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At last, the day's golden rays began disappearing beyond The Sunset Sea. A warm sweet breeze swirled over Casterly Rock, settling upon the gardens and courtyards of the glorious fortress as if it had made a great journey to be part of the celebration that would soon occur. Within the ancient walls, the Great Hall had been made a flourishing paradise of blossoms and candlelight. The air itself appeared to shimmer with radiance. Tyrion had done his best to adhere to the wishes of the bride and groom, and keep the guest list to a minimum. However, by the time he had added the numbers of important bannermen, honored friends, and close relatives from both sides of the family the event was still large enough to be respectable by noble standards. Tyrion presided over the whole affair, seeing to last minute details, and ensuring all was perfect. He was in his glory.

Jaime paced up and down a porticoed passageway just off the Great Hall, feeling as though he wanted to crawl out of his skin. He was outfitted in his finest armor, polished and oiled to an immaculate shine. The deep red cloak of House Lannister billowed outward behind him as he covered the length of the corridor again and again. Widow's Wail hung proudly at his side, and even his steel seemed to ache for it's partner. Noticeably absent from Jaime's attire was his golden hand. He could not have imagined wearing the thing that had been Cersei's gift to him, when he joined his life to Brienne's. The heavy, slab of metal had become as much of a hinderance and curse to him as its benefactress herself had been when she lived. He had no wish to ever see it again. He would choose to accept himself the way he was, without any pretenses or charades. The way Brienne saw him. The way she loved him. The separation from Brienne for even a day had been unbearable. Jaime was certain that if he did not see her soon he would explode from sheer frustration, or wither to dust from the unfulfilled longing.

Lost in thought, Jaime nearly jumped when Tyrion appeared from out of nowhere behind him. "Are you ready?" The younger Lannister asked with a sly smile.

Jaime exhaled in relief. "I have been ready since I was reunited with her." He grumbled, annoyed at his nervousness.

"I know." Tyrion acknowledged. "And you have been more than patient." He admitted. "I understand that you wished to marry Brienne weeks ago." He smiled. Jaime calmed a bit at his brother's kindness. "I realize how difficult it was for you to wait." Tyrion continued. "I cannot tell you how much it means to me to be able to give this to you, both of you." He confessed.

Jaime stopped and caught his breath. He regarded Tyrion thoughtfully. "Forgive me, Brother." He begged. "Forgive my impatience." He smiled. "You have outdone yourself. Everything is perfect. There are no words to express how much Brienne and I appreciate all you have done for us." He grew wistful at the mention of her name. "We are forever in your debt."

Tyrion shook his head. "There is nothing to repay." He assured Jaime. "All I have done has been an act of love." He smiled. "I am more happy for you than I could ever describe. No one deserves this joy more." He beamed. Jaime knelt and embraced his brother, on the verge of tears. Tyrion returned his affection with a tight grasp, fighting the lump in his own throat.

After a moment, Tyrion jovially shoved Jaime away. "Now, stop your blubbering." He chuckled. "Your bride awaits." Tyrion told him, motioning him into the Hall, silently announcing that the wedding was about to begin. Jaime eagerly complied, anxious to be reunited with Brienne.

Seeing the groom enter, the guests hurried to take their places, standing along either side of a wide, long carpet that had been unrolled down the length of the Hall. The long red runner was a Lannister family heirloom, that had long ago been been woven of the finest fibers. Embroidered lions made from golden threads framed the edges, standing guard at every few paces. Tyrion had ordered the addition of suns, and moons through the middle path to pay homage to Brienne's sigil. He took great measures to ensure the new adornments exactly mirrored those that symbolized House Tarth.

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