Chapter 16

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The soft breeze off the ocean played on Brienne's skin. It teased at her hair, and filled her lungs with salty sweetness. The glorious warmth of the day penetrated into her very bones, and filled her with relaxed contentment. She leaned her head back and drank it in. Brienne rolled her neck, letting the knots stretch from her stiff muscles. It had been Jaime who had suggested this excursion, and she was now grateful to have accepted. She peered toward to gentle waves that rolled into the beach and giggled. The bright sunlight dancing off the water outlined the shape of her beloved husband, dressed only in thin britches, happily splashing in the tide with their toddler son who had only just take his first steps a few moons before. Their little family was so perfect, so happy, and nearly complete.

Brienne sighed with a pleasant peaceful heart, and traced her palm softly along the outline of her large rounded belly. Her smile rested lovingly upon her swollen abdomen, and her hand hovered over the spot she had just felt the babe kick. Her second child was due any day, and Brienne was eager to greet the new life she and Jaime had created. The tiny being that even now seemed just as impatient to make its arrival. It was almost as if the babe could sense the amusement of its father and older brother, and could not wait to join in.

"Don't worry, Little One." Brienne grinned adoringly as she spoke to her unborn child. "Your father will take you to the edge of the tide, as well. As soon as you are big enough." She sighed. Brienne recalled her nervousness the first time Jaime had taken Galladon into the surf. She had never trusted the sea, not since it had taken her brother. She could barely watch as those she loved most in the world, tempted fate and dared to wade out past their ankles. However, she trusted her husband, and soon found her tense fear fading as she watched her son's sheer delight. Reassured by Jaime's fierce protectiveness of their son, Brienne knew he would never allow anything that could possibly threaten their children.

Brienne shifted upon the pillow-filled chaise which Jaime had insisted be laid on the sand for her, under the silken cabana that shielded her from the sun. How different this time was for her than the way she had spent the months of her first pregnancy, trapped and alone in a dark cold cell. She shuddered to remember the fear under which she had lived, certain she would never see her child draw breath. Another strong nudge from within brought her back from the painful thoughts. Brienne shoved the dark memories once again to the back of her mind where she hoped they would disappear. Almost in gratitude to its mother's resolve, the babe let loose with another firm kick to Brienne's side. She grinned, and soothed the nerves of her abdomen, imagining her caress upon her soon to be born babe. She marveled at the connection between them.

Peering up from her motherly imaginings, Brienne's smile widened upon seeing Jaime and Galladon making their way back up the beach to her. She chuckled as she watched them, her heart bursting with love. Brienne reveled in the blessings which the Gods had given her, and gave a silent prayer of thanks. Almost sensing his mother's joy, Galladon let out a loud giggle and ran, as best he could, covering the distance between himself and his mother in babyish glee.

"Mama!" He squealed in his high pitched baby voice, his arms open wide.

Brienne reached down and held out her hands for her child to brace himself upon as he climbed onto the chaise and settled in at her side, her loving grin matching his. Jaime followed a few moments later, a wide happy smile upon his own lips at the sight of his little family. He grabbed a linen from a stack at the foot of the chaise and dried himself and Galladon from their romp in the ocean. Brienne loosened the bodice of the flowing smock she wore and nestled their son close to nurse from her. Jaime sat at her hip and draped his arm around her large belly. Brienne swore that her husband had not removed his hand from their growing babe for the whole of her pregnancy. She rested her fingers atop his, and gazed at him sweetly.

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