Chapter 13

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Jaime and Lord Selwyn made haste to Casterly Rock, stopping only when necessity compelled it as they raced across Westeros and back to Brienne. As it were, weeks had passed since Jaime had last seen the woman he loved, and his son. He knew that Brienne must be beside herself with worry or anger. He prayed she understood that he would return to her no matter what the perils. The thought of her being troubled for any reason was tearing him apart. As their time on the road increased, so too did Jaime's apprehension and anxiety. Lord Selwyn noticed the pensive lines drawn almost continuously across Jaime's brow. He heard younger man tossing and turning, unable to find sleep during the nights they were forced to stop. The Evenstar noted how quiet Jaime had become as the days stretched on. He could not help but feel for the man who so obviously adored his daughter.

Not long after sunset, on a day that had been much warmer and brighter than the rainy deluge in which Jaime had left Casterly Rock, he and Lord Selwyn rode finally through the gates of the fortress. No sooner had they crossed over the drawbridge did the courtyard burst into activity, as servants, squires, and bannermen hustled about, eager to welcome home Ser Jaime, and oblige his honored guest. The two weary travelers jumped from their mounts, both happy to be within such short a distance from the woman they both held in their hearts, all be it for different reasons. Tyrion burst through the main doors of the Lannister Keep, and ran at full speed to greet his brother. Although he had never before laid eyes upon the tall white haired nobleman who accompanied Jaime, Tyrion knew instantly the identity of the man, as well as the reason for Jaime's extended absence.

"Jaime." Tyrion bellowed as he bounded up to where the men stood. "You have returned at last." He smiled happily, relief evident upon his face. He had recieved word of Cersei's death and knew that Jaime had been successful in that regard. He had celebrated at the news of King Bran's ascension to the throne. However, there had been no word of Jaime, and his late arrival had Tyrion nearly sick with worry. He was not the only one.

"Good evening, Brother." Jaime nearly shouted, as he bent to embrace Tyrion. "It is very good to be home." He beamed as he stood.

Then turning toward his guest, Jaime nodded reverently. "Lore Tyrion Lannister, this is Lord Selwyn Tarth, of Evenfall Hall." He presented, confirming Tyrions's prediction. This was what had taken Jaime so long.

"The Evenstar." Tyrion stated respectfully. "Lady Brienne's father." He smiled warmly as he and Lord Selwyn shook his hands. "She will be pleasantly surprised, I am sure." He confirmed. "Casterly Rock is yours, My Lord." He bowed.

"Thank you, Lord Tyrion." The Evenstar nodded regally. "I am honored by your hospitality." He acknowledged. "What I wish most here at your great house is to see my daughter." He smiled.

"Of course, My Lord." Tyrion agreed. "We shall take you to her presently." He offered.

Jaime had turned and retrieved the blue, jewel encrusted parcel which carried Cersei's head from the pouches draped across his horse's saddle. "Is that what I think it is?" Tyrion questioned trying to veil his contempt. Jaime only nodded.

"Well, I won't say I would not love to feed that little package to the swine." Tyrion's eyes twinkled. His face gave the hint of a satisfied vengeful smile. "But I will leave that pleasure to you and Lady Brienne." He conceded.

"Where is she? How is she?" Jaime begged, his voice breaking with emotion. He scanned the courtyard and castle windows, as if he expected she might be waiting. "Galladon? How is my son?" He beseeched,

Tyrion motioned for the men to follow him before he continued. "Galladon is perfect as always." He grinned. "I dare say he has grown since you have been gone." He chuckled proudly.

"I imagine he has." Jaime's face fell a little to think of having missed more time with his little family. He noticed Tyrion's silence on the topic of the child's mother.

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