Practice? (A+F) Tanaka x Nishinoya

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Ok so Tanaka x Nishinoya is definitely a bold relationship, but one of my friends helped me with the characters and prompt and that's who was picked. Hope it's not too weird, seeing as this is my first Haikyuu!! character x character. Wish me luck!!

    Nishinoya POV

    I grunted as I dove for the ball. The team was practicing saving blocks, and I just haven't been on my game today.  I've barely saved any compared to what I would normally be able to save.  I don't know what's wrong, I just can't seem to focus.  Maybe it's the fact that Tanaka is being a complete dick to me today.  I can't stand when my teammates are mad at me, it makes me lose my focus.

    "Come on, Nishinoya, what's wrong with you today? You haven't been able to save anything today," I hear Tanaka yell from the other side of the net.

    "Well, Tanka, if you're so displeased with Nishinoya's skills, then you're the one that's gonna help him improve them," Daichi snapped, fed up with Tanaka's attitude.

    "Christ," Tanaka muttered walking away, shaking his head.

    "Why don't you go ahead and run some laps, too?  I'll tell you when to stop," Daichi responded to Tanaka's bad attitude once again.

    Tanaka took off jogging around the gym as I approached Daichi.

    "Hey Daichi," I approached.

    "What's up Nishinoya?" Daichi asked, smiling.

    "I don't think me practicing with Tanaka is such a good idea. I may end up dead with the way he's been acting lately," I explained, no really wanting to practice with the other second year.

    "You guys need to work together. I'm not sure what's going on between the two of you, or why he's acting like that, but you need to work it out," Daichi explained, the captain in him really showing.

    "Alright, when do you want us to practice?" I asked, disappointed that I had to spend time alone with Tanaka.

    "Come here tomorrow at the same time you would when we have morning practice, I'll give Tanaka the key to get in, and you guys can practice," Daichi answered as he walked away to deal with Hinata, who was doing something stupid.

~next morning~

Tanaka POV

    Why the hell did Daichi have to make me practice with Nishinoya of all people? I'd be fine with any other member on the team, but he just had to stick me with Nishinoya.  This is not going to be fun.

    When I arrived at the gym, the libero was already sitting in front of the gym, waiting for me to unlock the door.

    "Move out of the way, I need to get to the door," I said, watching him move from his seat on the ground.

    "No need to be so harsh about it," I heard the shorter boy respond snappily.

    Christ this is gonna be a long practice.

Nishinoya POV

    Well damn, he didn't have to be so rude when he asked me to move.  Whatever, I just shook it off.  I followed Tanaka toward the locker room, where we both needed to change.

    After changing, we both made our way to the gym to actually practice.

    Over and over again, it was the same.  I'd get one, then I'd miss a few. I was starting to get pissed at not only Tanaka but myself,

    "You're obviously trying to be like this, you ass," I said, ducking under the net to confront Tanaka.

    "What's that supposed to mean?" Tanaka said, stepping closer himself.

    "I don't know what your problem is with me, but you need to say it to my face and get the hell over it," I snapped, now standing toe to toe with the taller boy.

    Before I could comprehend what was happening, Tanaka had grabbed either side of my face and pulled me close to his face. We were almost kissing. Almost.

    "You wanna know why I've been a dick? Is that it? You wanna know why I've been avoiding you at all costs? It's because I just can't handle to be around you," Tanaka told me, breathing heavy.

    I felt tears start to form in my eyes. Even though Tanaka had been treating me like shit for at least a week, the words he said still hurt.  I felt a tear fall down my cheek, only stopping when it reached Tanaka's hand, which was still holding my face close to him.

    "Shit, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.  I mean that I can't be in the same room with you because I like you. Every time I see you, I wanna hold your hand. I wanna hug you and give you kisses. I just want you to be mine," Tanaka said, clearly nervous.

    I had no clue what to think.

    "I've been so fucking scared to tell you because I didn't know what you'd think of me liking a guy. Especially if that guy was you. I didn't want you to hate me for liking you, so I pushed you away, that way I didn't have to deal with the feelings I held.  If I didn't have to be with you, I wouldn't think about how I felt about you," the taller second year went on.

    "Tanaka you fucking idiot.  You were afraid to tell me you liked me because you didn't wanna tell me you liked men? Tanaka, I'm gay, you dumbass," I said, beginning to giggle.

    "Wait a damn minute, you're telling me that you're gay? Like you've been gay this whole time? I could've asked you out from the beginning?" Tanaka questioned, also chuckling now.

    We stayed like that, clutching our sides from laughter.  It seemed like forever before we calmed down from the laughing fit.

    "Well, are you gonna ask me?" I joked, grabbing Tanaka's hand.

    "Nishinoya, will you go out with me?" Tanaka asked me, giving me a goofy smile.

    "Well duh," I responded, pulling him in for a hug.

    He hugged me back, clutching me tight to his chest.  We pulled back from the hug, and I stood up on my tip toes so I could reach his face for a kiss.  I expected a little peck, but Tanaka picked me up so I could reach his lips with ease and deepened the kiss.  I wrapped my legs around his waist.  Even after we stopped kissing, he just held me like that, our foreheads leaning together.

    When we realized the time, he put me down and started cleaning up the gym.  We finished the cleaning quickly.

    "Nishinoya hurry up," Tanaka rushed me while I was changing out of my practice clothes.

    "Shut up, I'm coming," I snapped back, laughing.

    Tanaka pulled me in for another kiss before we left the gym.  We then hear the door open to reveal Daichi.

    "Well when I told you two to work it out, I definitely didn't expect it to work that well," Daichi said with a smirk, as he turned and left us alone.

    "Neither did I, but thank god it did" Tanaka whispered, only for me to hear.

    I smiled, walking out of the gym with Tanaka's hand in my own, happy to have him as mine.

That wasn't what I expected when I started writing this, but I guess it is what it is. As always, don't forget to request/suggest anything you want me to write. Thanks for reading!!


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