Dumb Project (F) Oikawa x Reader

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Hey guys! I think I may turn the last chapter in to a full story in a book of it's own. Maybe Oikawa will be a love interest in that one.... maybe it'll be Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo.... who knows? Would you guys be interested in that? Let me know in my PM or DM. Anyways- on with the story. Oh! Slight mention of dirty thoughts, but nothing anywhere near graphic.

I was walking down the halls of Aobajohsai, just trying to make it to your last class of the day when I heard squealing behind me. Great. Oikawa fangirls. I move to the side of the hall as I let the group of girls pass, all giggling as they headed to find Oikawa.

As I walk in the classroom, I sat my bag down before pulling out a notebook and pencil to get ready for class. This was my English class, and I was fairly confident in my ability when it came to the class. I knew that my class would be assigned a project today, and that would suck due to the fact that you were busy most days after school, seeing as I'm the manager for the boy's volleyball team.

A few moments pass and the desks next to me filled up as my classmates entered and took their seats. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa were all in the class with me. I hoped that my teacher would partner me with Hanamaki or Iwaizumi. Oikawa was my last choice of partners from everyone I really knew in the class.

"Alright class, today we'll be working on...." the teacher began as she started the class. I droned out for the most part, other than taking a few notes here and there.

The class went fine, it was all simple, and all I had to do was listen to the teacher while she talked about whatever I was meant to learn. I took notes subconsciously without really paying attention to what I was writing.

Seeing as it was the first day back from break, the project would probably the annual poster that was assigned. The project was about break and all that crap. Usually partners weren't assigned, but maybe the teacher switched things up this year.

The lesson had finally come to an end, and I was just ready to see who I had been stuck with.

"Now, onto the project I'll be assigning," the teacher began handing out rubrics, "I'll be assigning your partners. The project will be about your break, but the catch is, you must make a poster about what your partner did over break. You'll need to use color and images, along with a header and everything must be in English."

I glanced over the rubric, seeing all the points I had to include. Who my partner spent break with, what they did, where they went, and if they had images from break, I could include those for bonus points.

"Alright, time for partners," the teacher spoke.

I mentally crossed my fingers and hoped to not be stuck with and idiot.... or Oikawa, because that would just set me back.

"Akazawa and Nakayama, Hitarashi and Inaba," she went on calling out partners, "Iwaizumi and Matsukawa," she had gone on until nearly everyone was taken.

Well shit, there went the best two partners in the whole damn class.

"Oikawa and L/N," the teacher finished calling names.

Of. Fucking. Course. I was now stuck with Oikawa for the whole week working on a project.

I see Oikawa walk over to me and sit at the empty desk in front of mine.

"Hello L/N-Chan, glad I didn't get stuck with a terrible partner," he sent me a kind smile, which was actually pleasant to look at.

"Sup, Trash-Kun, wish I could say the same," I said, turning a page in my notebook so you had a blank paper.

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