Don't Scare Me Like That (F+S) Daichi x Asahi

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What's up my dudes? Because I'm a basic bitch, I'm using a sentence prompt that I found scrolling through Instagram. I couldn't find the original post though, so idk who to give credit to.  And yes, I'm writing Daichi x Asahi because I ship it so fucking hard. SMut. Smut smutty smut.

Hehe. Hard.

    Asahi's breath hitched as he watched Daichi hit the floor.  The boys were practicing and they were currently playing a three on three. Third years versus Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Hinata. Yamaguchi wasn't playing because he was at home sick.

    Daichi had just went for a spike, but when he came down, he landed wrong, causing him to topple over and whack his head on the wooden gym floor.

    For the seconds that he watched in silence, Asahi was scared that his friend (and crush) would get a concussion or knock himself out.

    "Did I at least score?" Daichi said, sitting up and nervously rubbing his neck.

    "Daichi! You scared us, you idiot," Asahi scolded, his usually quiet demeanor leaving his body, "you're coming with me, and we're gonna get you checked out."

    Asahi marched over to the captain, picking him up bridal style and carrying him toward the door.

    "Asahi, this is not necessary, I can walk, I hit my head, not my legs.

    "Shut up, I'm carrying you, end of story. You landed weird on your ankle, so it could be messed up," Asahi explained, reaching the door.

    The rest of the team just watched as the gentle giant of a third year carried their captain across the gym floor.

    Seeing as Asahi had no free hands to open the door, Hinata ran over and held the door for the taller boy to walk through.

    The two third years got all the way to the gates of the school without talking.  Finally, Daichi broke the silence.

    "You know, you really don't have to carry me," Daichi said softly, not sure how Asahi would react with the mood he was in.

    "You're hurt, would you please just let me carry you. You scared me back there, so I'm taking you to get it checked out. That way I know you're okay," the ace responded, also speaking softly.

    "Oh, well thank you for caring so much," Daichi spoke, glad that someone he cared about felt the same.

    Asahi looked down at Daichi as he walked, noticing something he hadn't noticed before.

    "Daichi, you're lip is bleeding," Asahi told the boy in his arms, looking alarmed.

    "Oh, that's just because I've been chewing on my lip, no need to worry.  Calm down, Asahi, I'm fine, and the doctor is gonna tell you the same thing," Daichi explained, rubbing Asahi's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

    As Daichi rubbed the taller man's shoulder, he noticed how tense  it was.  Asahi really did need to relax more.  Daichi also realized just how strong the man carrying him was.  His shoulder felt so toned. Not to mention he had been carrying the shorter man for a good twenty minutes by now, and he hadn't broken a sweat or slowed down at all.  He just walked as if he had no extra weight.

    "We're here," Asahi piped up, noticing that Daichi had zoned out.

    ~Time Skip~

    "I told you I'd be fine," Daichi nudged Asahi's arm.

    "Yeah, I know, I know, but I'm still walking you home," Asahi said, nudging Daichi back.

    "What a gentleman," Daichi joked, but Asahi blushed due to his crush.

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