Locked In (F) Kenma x Reader

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What is up my dudes? This one, along with all my other stories, is cliché as fuck. Oh well, that's fine I guess. If you guys want something else, be sure to request it, because I'll write it. Welp, enjoy lol.

"Alright, guys, calm down, calm down," you said, still laughing from whatever joke Kuroo had told a few minutes ago.

You were a second year at Nekoma high and you helped manage the volleyball team. The boys had just finished practice and you were all taking a minute to chat before you started to clean the gym. Being in such frequent contact with the players obviously brought you close to all the boys on the team, but there was one boy who you just couldn't be separated from.

Kenma. You had been friends for as long as you could remember, always hanging out together and playing video games. You couldn't think of a time before you knew him. You really weren't sure what you'd do without him.

"Ok, jokes aside, we need to clean up," Kuroo said, taking on role of captain to keep everyone on track.

"Ugh, Kuroo, you dampen all the fun," you joked, hitting Kuroo's shoulder.

"Hush child," Kuroo teased you, covering your mouth with his hand, "Kenma, y/n, you guys go get the supplies from the closet.

"Okay, but I'm not happy about it," you joked, grabbing Kenma's hand and pulling him with you to go get the cleaning supplies.

"I can walk on my own. You know that right?," Kenma smiled at me, joking.

"I know, but I like messing with you, it's my favorite pastime," you teased back, now reaching the closet.

You opened the door and walked in with Kenma to get the mops and any other supplies you might need.

All of a sudden, you hear quick footsteps before you're enveloped in darkness.

"Kenma, you there?" I asked, moving my arms in the dark, trying to find him.

"Yeah, I'm here, follow my voice," Kenma answered.

I kept trying to feel my way through the darkness, which despite the size of the closet was surprisingly difficult. I felt my hand hit something soft before my wrist was grabbed.

"There you are," Kenma giggled.

"Guys, what the hell are you doing?" I yelled, hoping the guys on the other side of the door were still here and would respond.

"Neither of you are coming out of this closet until you just admit that you like each other," you hear Kuroo's voice through the door. You could practically hear the sassy look on his face.

"So you guys are just gonna stand out there and listen to us talk until you decide to let us out? Sounds kinda creepy," you shouted through the door.

"No, we're gonna go hang out in the club room while you guys talk it out, we'll be back at some point to unlock the door.

You could here the receding footsteps and then the gym doors open and shut. Those idiots really left you in here with no way out.

You held Kenma's hand as you sat down, encouraging him to sit down with you. The two of you sat there, slumped against the door.

"Kuroo said we couldn't come out until we talked about our feelings. What feelings?" Kenma asked hesitantly.

"I dunno," I responded, shrugging.

"Well if you don't know what feelings, I guess I'll just go for it," Kenma said, voice still quiet, "I think he means he wants me to tell you that I like you."

"Oh, well uh, I," Kenma cut me off.

"You don't have to say anything, I know you don't like me as more than a friend," the setter said, sounding sad.

"I was just gonna say that I like you to," I told him, silently thanking god that Kenma couldn't see the blush that was now spreading over my face.

"Oh, you do like me?" Kenma questioned, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, of course I like you, I mean, you're the sweetest, most respectful guy I've ever met. Not to mention that you know me better than anyone else ever has," I explained, feeling the blush grow larger.

Now, I still couldn't see anything, so every movement I made, I was very slow and careful. I got up from my butt and felt my way to sit on Kenma's lap, straddling him and wrapping my hands around his neck. His hands found my sides slowly, being careful not to touch anything.

If someone walked in at this moment, they'd think that this was sexual, but in all honesty, it just felt natural and sweet. It wasn't anywhere near what it looked like.

I just sat there and looked into the darkness where I imagined his face would be. I assumed he was looking toward me too.

I gathered the courage to hold his face in my hands and lean in to kiss him. Unfortunately, due to the darkness, I managed to whack my nose on his forehead, causing us both to curse. We giggled after that, making fun of how awkward we are.

After coming down from the giggle fit, we just sat there some more. This time, I wasn't the one to gather up the courage. I felt his hands move from my waist, to grab my face and pull me in to kiss him, taking it slower than before to avoid injury.

When our lips met, I could see fireworks go off behind my eyelids. His lips were so soft as they moved against mine. I needed to find out what kind of lip balm this kid used.

As I pulled back, I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

Right on time, I saw light reach my eyes as Kenma and I toppled out of the closet. Looking back, it wasn't a great idea to lean against the door. As I looked up, I saw an upside down Kuroo smiling at us, happy that we finally came clean to one another.

"Were you really gonna leave us in there all night?" I asked, avoiding the elephant in the room.

"The door was unlocked the whole time, you idiots just didn't try to open it because you subconsciously wanted to admit your feelings," the third year explained smugly, "At least, that's what I think."

"Oh shut the hell up Kuroo," I sassed, reaching my hand toward him, silently asking for him to pull me to my feet. He complied, assisting me.

"You two should be thanking me. With how awkward the both of you are, not saying that's a bad thing, you would've never told each other and you would've always wondered what could've been," Kuroo told us, hands on his hips.

"Kuroo, thanks, but I'm still gonna murder you," I said, giving him a head start.

"Care to join me while I murder our dear friend Kuroo?" I joked to Kenma, who shrugged and took off after the taller boy.

"Hey, no fair, wait for me," I shouted at the two, pushing off, running after them.

Man, I really had it bad for Kenma and his dorky personality. I guess we do owe Kuroo on this one.


Awwww. We love awkward Kenma. And Kuroo being a little shit. Both are pretty great in my opinion. Don' forget to request and suggest what you want me to write. And if you're feeling generous, you could always vote on my story. Thanks for reading, love you guys.


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