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Hello, I'm Alyssa and I'm kind of a loner. My dad left when I was 11 and My mum went to live in America when I was 18 to take care of my grandmother. I am now 20 and live alone.

I used to have best friends but like my parents, they've left. Ive never got to formally meet most of my neighbors because they will stay for six monthes tops before leaving again. Unlike me, living in Apt. 213 my WHOLE LIFE.

But im not completely alone. Ive "Adopted" a little sister from one of those programs so three times a week I would take her somewhere she would want to, or just spend time with her in my flat. She is 12 and her name is Elizabeth and is the cutest thing.

I haven't really told you alot about myself yet. As i mentioned, im 20. I have dark brown eyes and hair that's narurally wavey so it gets lighter at the tips from straightner damage. I've always wanted to color it but its such a commitment. I'm also the shortest person for my age, 5'3". Well not the shortest, but I've only met a few people shorter than me. I wear glasses when I'm inside and people have sometmes not even recognized me. Also, I'm not the thinnest, but I'm not big either. Just in the middle. Im kind of insecure about how I look but I know that could look worse.

I dont think i have "special" talents but i can play the piano. yea, nothing special.


Hello! Im Aly and I will already say there will probably be TONS of spelling errors and I wont ALWAYS update beause of my schedule. My name is Aly but it's not short for Alyssa, I wouldn't like my family to search my name and this came up.

Also, most of the places i mention will be made up and I dont own anyone (obviously)


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