.:What Would I Do Without You:.

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*Alyssa's POV*

People were coming back inside, I looked around for Phil, who wasn't here. He left me too. My lawyer wan't even here yet. Come on.

Everyone sat down and I couldn't see clearly from my tears. I was still in the stand, as they would go first this time, and said I was the first one.

"We have some interesting evidence that has came to us recently." I thought about my one thing that no one has ever knew. They could never find that information. No.

The big wooden doors opened and everyone turned their heads. It was my stupid lawyer, making a huge entrance. Kill me now.

I looked back up after hitting my head on the tabe. Phil came back. Not just Phil, Dan. Dan came. I wanted to cry more. They looked so awkward because of everyone looking at them. Then they sat down with my lawyer. Why with him?

"Anyways." Jesse's lawyer continued.

"Alyssa Burr, is it?"

"Y-yes." No.

"Well, you've told your first lie." He turned to the people.

"We've all been looking into "Alyssa Burr's" case. When actually, we shouldn't. We should be looking into the case of someone named Charlotte Summers."

The court room burst into loud whispers. Dan and Phil staring straight at me.

Charlotte Summers. That was me. The old me.


"Charlie! Get the fuck over here you little shit!"

I ran over to my mum. "Y-yes?" I was crying like everyday.

"Stop crying, get me my drink." She was drunk, referring to her beers on the table right next to her.


"Don't you ever use that fucking tone with me, bitch."

"I'm sorry."

"Yea, you are, don't even make me break your fucking arm again, it just healed." She teased.

I was beat as a child. Every day of my life.

"You are a waste of life, you know that? You are the reason that your dad left you." I was only 7 at the time. I didn't go to school.

"Get me a glass or I'll get the rubber bands."

When I didn't do as she pleased, she would snap rubber bands at me.

I got her a glass but I accidentally dropped it and it shattered.

"You did not fucking do that again." She stood up. "Get over here, Charlie!"

I tried to run and open the door. I cannot have my 4th broken bone at 7 years old.

"You can't run from me, you shit." She grabbed me and the hammer. I was crying so loud, no one could ever hear me.

"Oh Shit! Annabelle will be here in 20 minutes, stay in your room, we'll talk later." She yelled at me. She yells everything. Anabelle was her friend from who knows where.

"Actually, we have a little time." She got the hammer off of the table and walk towards me. I ran down the hall to her room. I was a smart child. I knew where everything was. Including the gun in her dresser.

"Charlie, get the fuck back here!" She followed me and I took the gun out and pointed it staright at her.

"Don't you even dare. I will break all the bones in your body, Charlotte Alyssa."

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