.:Back to the Hospital:.

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*Alyssa's POV*

I wake up in the same hospital room, but with all my memories. I really wish I could apologize. I know Dan didn't want to overwhelm me. I would have done the same. I thought maybe they would be here, waiting for me again. My mum was probably on the plane to Florida, so she wouldn't be here. I wasn't alone though. Through the glass doors, I saw to women, maybe a little less than 6' talking to one another.

They were in my waitin chair outside the room. I tried to help myself sit up and my arms hurt like hell. They gave out and I had to use my legs to get myself up. My arms had this clear plastic on it, revealing my scrapes. They were way noticable. One of the two woman saw me up and jogged in.

"Good evening!" She smiled at me, arms crossed. It was a bit cold.

"Hello." I smiled back at her.

"Are you ok, my friend and I saw you laying on the pavement. W-were you beat?"

I swallowed. "Yea."

Her eyes watered, but she didn't cry.

"Was that your boyfriend?" No, I don't have a boyfriend. I thought of Dan.

She half smiled and held my hand. Then looked over to the chair with my belongings.

"Hm." She giggled. "My son has the same jumper. I was supposed to visit my son today before we found you."

My smile faded. "Im sorry."

"No, don't apologize, who knows what could have happen if we didn't bring you here."

"I was actually here only a few- What time is it?"

"Almost 9:30"

"Yea, I was here earlier today."


"No, I had an allergic reaction. I-"

Her phone rang and she gave me the "Hold on a minute" look.

"Hello? Oh hi, I'm sorry we couldn't make it? Something came up."

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon"

"Ok, love you too!"

She hung up and sat back down with me.

"Im sorry that was him." Something came up with him too.

"Do you want to call your mother?" She pushes her phone towards me.

"Thank you."

"There is no lock, just press the phone icon."

I swiped the screen and there was a picture of Dan on it. Oh My God.

"That's him, Daniel." She smiles at the screen."

"Dan Howell is your son?"

"Yes, have you watched his videos? He's very famous." Dan wasn't that famous, but she was a mother, she exaggerated like every other one.

"Yea, I have." I loved that picture of Dan and herself. It wasn't something you'd find on the internet. Something real.

The nurse came in once again. "Hello, Alyssa. Good to see you again!... Or is it bad. ANyways, you are free to leave. Just take it easy for now." She waved and left.

"I'll leave you alone to change."she takes her phone back. The people I run into.

I changed, finishing with Dan's jumper around my waist, and met her outside. Her friend turned around. It was Phil's mum.

"Hello sweetheart."

"H-hi." I fangirled.

"Are you alright?" She noticed my studder.

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