Chapter 5- Arguements

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(There will be more timeskips now just so you know, ok? Ok)

I returned to my dorm, closing the door behind me. That was the weirdest experience I'd ever gone through. I took off my hoodie to reveal a dark grey T-shirt. I sat down on my bed that the dorm gave me. "I hated that," I sighed shutting my eyes. My hands were placed in my lap neatly.

Why was he being decently nice to me? Isn't he just a big dumb jerk that doesn't care about anyone else? He was a asshole, but yet he was so kind? But he is hot too. Attracting all the girls with his charm. Making them all fall for him with his luxurious blonde hair and charming eyes.

"Dammit!" I yelled with a blushing face. Once again I was thinking about the tall blonde male. "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! He hates me, I hate him! He's not hot, he's ugly!" I told myself blushing even more. I fell backward, laying down on the bed. "Not hot, ugly.." I reapeted quieter. That beautiful hair, charming smooth skin. "I hate him," I mumbled becoming a blushing mess. Why was I even thinking of him like this? I'm straight and that's all there is to it. I liked girls, he liked girls, we hated eachother.

I took a deep breath, and another. I needed to calm down, and stop thinking about him. He was an asshole. I opened my eyes and sat up. Luckily he hadn't snuck in at any point considering I didn't see him. "Good," I sighed with relief.


I had been watching T.V. for about an hour now. I knew what that meant. Coffee with the ass. "Damn," I sighed looking away from the T.V. The door swung open to reveal Motoyasu. "Oh great," I rolled my eyes. "Coffee time! Just give me a minute!" Motoyasu laughed walking over in my direction. My head hung over the couch. Motoyasu was upside down through my vision, but I could see him go by me. He dissapered into the bathroom. "Weird," I sighed shrugging it off.

I waited for Motoyasu to be done, which was about 15 minutes, he came out in a sexy outfit. I lunged over my face as read as a beat. "Shit, he's hot," I mumbled under my breath. The words barely escaping my mouth. He had been wearing a fabulous outfit.

He had a black leather jacket over top of a sky blue shirt that was tucked into a belt. Nother less his shirt was tight making him sexier. He had dull blue jeans with a couple of rips at the knees. Underneeth you could see a bit of fishnet. He had a chain coming out just below the pocket. Then we just had his casual shoes on. "Hot aren't I?" Kitamura asked walking over to me.

I could feel his warm presence behind me making me light up even more. "No," I lied. You could tell I was lying, which sucks. I could feel him place a hand on my head. "You need to work on your lying," Motoyasu snickered. He moved his hand down to my neck. It was warm and comfortable. "W-what are you doing!?" I asked turning around. I looked him in the eye, my uppr body twistd around. There goes him not seeing me flustered. He leaned over and placed a hand on my chin gently.

He pulled his face next to mine and whispered into my ear softly, "Your adorable when you blush," his voice was smooth and quit only making me blush more. "Would you cut it out asshole!" I yelled in his ear tempting to back away from him. I fell off the couch and landed hard on my back. "Ow.." I mummbled sitting up. "Clumsy to I see," He snickerd winking at me.

He walked around the couch and crouched down to my hight. Just like before he placed a hand gently on my chin. He pulled himself close to the point where our noses were touching. Sweat rollled down my face uncontrollably. "P-please stop.." I mumbled looking away from him. "I see, so am i still a ladies man?" He asked a grin on his face. "H-huh? Y-yes!" I yelled. "Sure," He smiled rolling his eyes.

"You still up for coffee? Or are you up for making out?" He asked looking me dead in the eye. "COFFEE!" I yelled placing a hand on his sholder. I pushed him back away a bit giving me some more space. "Are you sure?" He asked with a pout. "W-would you p-please just..stop?" I asked gritting my teeth. "Stop what?" He asked acting oblivious. "S-stop flirting w-with me!" I stammered looking away.

"I'm good," He winked. I never thought someone hot would flirt with me. I didn't like him. At this point I hated him even more, in two ways. He was just a flirt, and an asshole. He pressed his lips gently up against mine. We weren't quite kissing, but damn close. He closed his eyes and smiled. He leaned closer, and kissed me. He was a good kisser, his lips warm and gentle. My eyes grew wide still. Sweat rolled down my face. This was my first kiss. With this asshole? Why, why did he have to steal my first kiss?

He pulled away, seeing me once again. Tears formed in my eyes. "Y-you.." I started. I wanted to tell him he was my first kiss. But, with his personality it wasn't happening. He wasn't going to care. Tears rolled down my pale face. "Why are you crying?!" Motoyasu asked his face filled with concern and confusion.

"T-that...was my.." I started, tears stormimg down my face. "My first kiss!" I blurted out standing up. I began to head for the door. "Wait!" Motoyasu called grabbing my hand. "That was your first kiss?" He asked. "Y-yes! Didn't I already t-tell you that!" I yelled, sobbing. "I-I uh.." Motoyasu stammered. His face filled with shame.

"Let go of me!" I screamed pulling away from his grip. I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I loved. Someone I truly trustd and cared about. Not a big dumb asshole that only cared about himself. "Let go of me! I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I liked! Not a selfish man that will only use me to get the ladies!" I yelled clenching my hands into fists.

"I..Is that all you think of me? I wouldn't use you! I'm gay too! Why would I need you for girls! Thats the fucking messed up shit i've ever heard! Are you even in the right mind! Listen to yourself! I'm not selfish, you are!" He yelled in anger. I gritted my teeth. "IF YOU CARED THEN YOU WOULDN'T ACT LIKE A ASS! ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS YOURSELF! LISTEN TO YOU! NO, YOU DON'T CARE FOR ME! I yelled backing away from the selfish man. "YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!" Motoyasu yelled smacking my cheek hard. It left a red mark, aching in pain. "Go to hell, now get out!" Motoyasu yelled opening the door.

I was surprised and upset. Did he just day what I thought he said. I snapped back to reality. "W-wait.." i sobbed. "OUT!" He yelled pointing out of the room. I stepped out leaving all my stuff in there. He shut the door behind me. Leaving me in the empty dark hall. "M-moto.." I started. I couldn't finish. "P-please... I didn't mean it!" I sobbed placing a hand on the door. Did I love him? Why was I so upset. Why, why now? I started to like him, love him. But, he shut me out just like everyone else.

"Please.. I love you.." I sighed knowing it was useless. Tears stormed down my face. Everyone I loved shut me out. Just like me ex. She had never kissed me, the most she did was hug me. But of course I was ok with that. After all, we were only in grade 8. I found out she was only using me for money and my friends. Her name was Sophia.

She always acted innocent around me. But when I wasn't there, she was a slut. She shut me out, yelling at me telling me I was a demon. I didn't eat for over two weeks. It was one of the most painful points in my life. Now, I've lost Motoyasu too.

I walked down the empty hall way, my hands shoved in my jeans pockets. "I'm sorry," I sighed walking down to the first floor. I guess I was just going to go for a walk. Ease my mind a bit.

I listened to Naofumi from the other end. I regret the words I said, I guess so did he. But then it struck. He said 'I love you,' From the other end. My face lit up and I was tempted to open the door. I shook my head. He was faking, he didn't love me. He just wanted in here. I sighed and walked to the other end of the room.

"Does he love me?" I asked myself, looking over at the door. "What if he does?" I asked myself looking at the door still. I ran towards the door and opened it. "I'm sorry!" I apologized to him. Sadly he was gone. There was noone at the door. Pure emptiness waited for me. "Naofumi.." I sighed looking down the hall. I could see him walking down the stairs. Maybe I should just leave him for now. Or, should I follow him? The questions flodded my head.

What if he got injured or needed help? Would he be alright? Why did I care? He didn't love me. He just wanted to use me. I sighed and closed the dorm door behind me. I looked over to his bed to see his beautiful hoodie he had worn on the walk. I smiled tears rolling down my face. I walked over and held it in my hands.

"I'm sorry Naofumi. I'll be nicer. I swear," I promised gripping the sweater closed to my chest. What if he never came back? What if I never saw him again? Was he alright? I looked at the door. Should I go?

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