Chapter 19- 'Love sick'

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"I'll see you Tomorrow Tamaki," I said grabbing Motoyasu's hand. He calmed down a bit as I proceeded with the action. "Goodnight!" I finished waving at Tamaki as Motoyasu pulled me away. Shinjo gave me a small wave before I reached the stairs.

We arrived at our room a few minutes later. "I want to ask you something," I mumbled sweat rolling down my face. I was nervous. "Hm? That is?" He asked looking at me. He began to take off his sweater. "Tamaki told me something in the school before hand," I mumbled fiddling with my hoodie string. "Oh god what lie did he make up this time?" Motoyasu sighed tossing his sweater on his bed. "He...Told me that you used to abuse him.. is this true?" I stammered out my voice quiet. "He what? He abused me!" Motoyasu yelled in confusion. He began to storm towards the door before I hugged him.

"Calm down! It'll be fine!" I wined not wanting any violance. "He's framing me for abuse and you expect me to be calm!?" Motoyasu shouted tears in his eyes. I needed to calm him down quickly. "It's fine, I promise. He only told me and I trust you," I soothingly reported. "What did he tell you?" Motoyasu sighed lowering his voice. "Here. Why don't we sit down and I'll tell you," I replied dragging him over to his bed. I sat down next to him and cupped his hand in mine.

"He told me that you abused him and one time even stabbed him. I don't believe him though, it's too convenient he told me." I assured Motoyasu. I knew it was a lie. I didn't know who to belive and Shinjo came to me because he didn't want me to get hurt. "That asshole," Motoyasu scoffed with a growl. "Anything else?" He sighed staring blankly at the wall.

"He also told me you two knew eachother before hand. How many years?" I questioned. If I didn't say the years he might not catch on. "Surprised the lying dunce face didn't tell you. One year," He rolled his eyes with a groan. "Wait... He told me two years ago?" I questioned aloud. "So now you're lying too," He mumbled looking sharply into my eyes. "W-wait! I did that to see if the um... I love you!" I panicked not knowing what to say. He let out a sigh and shook his head.

"I'm going to have a little chat with the ass hole tomorrow," He growled clenching his fist. A beam of sweat rolled down my face. "A bloody one...Or..?" I asked hoping for a no. I didn't like solving things with violence unless it was more like play fighting. I would only kill a person for saving people. Which is also partly why I signed up for this school. "Depending on how he answers me," Motoyasu scoffed gritting his teeth. "I'll c-come!" I croaked quietly. I was going to need to calm him down.

"Let's just hope he isn't a lying asshole again!" Motoyasu said raising his voice a bit. I let out a small sigh of panic. What was going to happen tomorrow. "Just please... Try not to make tomorrow bloody, alright?" I repeated my voice shaky. The room fell silent after my comment. "Please! I don't want anyone getting hurt.." I whispered placing my other hand on his arm gently. He took a deep breath and looked at me. "I'll try but I can't promise anything."

"Thank you..?" I sighed not knowing how tomorrow would go. With a small chance of luck nothing will happen. There will be no conversation and no one will get hurt. "He is a lying ass after all," He finished his eyes half way closed. He seemed annoyed and sad at the same time.

"It's getting late, why don't we get to bed?" I suggested with a smile. "Fine," Motoyasu agreed flopping backwards. I let out a small chuckle. "Also, do you mind if I.. Sleep with you?" I asked my face becoming tingly and hot. Motoyasu smiled at me sitting up. He kissed the top of my head and looked into my green eyes. I also stared into his charming fascinating orange red eyes. He put his face next to mine his lips beside my ear.

"I have no problem with that," he Calmly whispered. A small smile came to my face. He couldn't abuse anyone. He was way too affectionate for that. I was too love sick to be without him.

Motoyasu bent back plopping his head down on his pillow. He patted next to him signalling for me to lay down next to him. A small smile came to my face as He did so. I placed my head on his chest. It was warm and made me feel tired. "I love you," Motoyasu whispered.
"I love you too," I mumbled burying my head into his chest even more. I was still worried about tomorrow but worrying wasn't going to change anything. A arm wrapped around me. I calmed down a bit more. "Goodnight," I mumbled closing my eyes. I still had no clue about tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning still on Motoyasu. I yawned and opened my eyes slowly. I smiled seeing him. It was nice sleeping next to someone and waking up to see them. It was, reliving. I placed a hand on Motoyasu's sholder after sitting up. "Morning Babe," I smiled. We had training once again today. "Hm..? Good morning," Motoyasu smiled sitting up. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back with a smile.

We got ready for training and left together. "Oh, hey guys!" Myne greeted running over. I glanced over at her before waving. "You two ready for training?" She asked a proud smile on my face. "As ready as I'll ever be," I chuckled as Raphtalia ran out of her dorm. She had a piece of plain bread in her mouth. "Hey guys," She mumbled out. We were all just able to hear her words. "Hi Raphtalia," I chuckled. "Let's go!" Myne laughed running down the hall. "What happened to no running in the halls," I whispered to the two beside me sarcastically. "No kidding," Motoyasu agreed with me. A small smile came to my face. Just hearing his voice made me love him more. I gazed up at the tall hot blonde.

"I see you staring at me don't even try and hide it," Motoyasu laughed turning his head this way. My whole face lit up red. I looked the other way embarrassed. Motoyasu let out a small chuckle. "Hurry up slow pokes!" Myne yelled from the first floor. "We're half way down the stairs!" Raphtalia groaned finishing her bread.

We arrived at the arena to once again see Filo and Kizuna. "Welcome back guys! How are you?" Filo expressed running up to us. "I'm fine," I replied. We walked to the middle of the arena. Motoyasu leaned down and kissed me on the lips, I backed away even though I wanted to kiss back. I stared at the giggling girls. "Yeah, Not in front of them," I stated glaring at them. "Ok princess," Motoyasu teased. I kind of liked that name even if I was a boy. It was a pet name he has been giving me pretty much since the moment I met him. I chuckled a bit.

"So you two are actually dating?" Kizuna asked placing her hands behind her back. "Yep. We are," Motoyasu answered her giving me a wink. I just stood there with a small blush on my face. "Anyway! Shall we get to training?" Myne spoke up clearing her throat. We all nodded and held out our weapons.
By the time we were done I had a scratch on my cheek and a cut on my arm. I wasn't too injured. "We are doing better everyday!" Myne beamed healing all of us. "It's also fun!" Filo added happily. "It's tiering," I mumbled. For some reason Raphtalia and Filo went after me all the time during training. Luckily Motoyasu never did.

We walked out of the arena in a small group. "I'm going to go get water, be back!" Kizuna explained jogging away. "Good Idea wait up!" Raphtalia called following her. "Well, I'm going to go get some rest! After all if we're doing this everyday," Filo said walking off with a wave. "Well, everyone else is leaving. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," Myne giggled walking off with a wave. More sweat began to roll down my face. We were alone. If Shinjo came around now we would have to start...That.

"Ah...You two.." Shinjo spoke quietly from the principal office. Sweat uncontrollably rolled down my face. "H-hi..!" I stammered as Motoyasu grabbed my hand.

"I wanted to speak to you," Motoyasu blankly said gritting his teeth. "And that is?" Tamaki questioned raising a brow. "Why did you lie to Naofumi! You abused me!" Motoyasu yelled gripping my hand harder. I hugged Motoyasu signalling him to calm down.

I felt a sharp pain go through my arm.

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