[TOS] Pavel Chekov - Beloved

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To say the least, your job was never boring. Medical was definitely where all the fun was. 

The crew aboard the Enterprise seemed to ever fully be out of danger. Even the most menial of tasks ended in some form of injury. Your captain, Jim Kirk, was by far the most frequent visitor, as well as a handful of others you got to know on a fairly good level. One of them was the youngest crewman, Ensign Pavel Chekov.

Chekov was in sick bay more times than you'd had hot dinners, and his record was challenging even that of the captains. Bones always asked you to tend to the less serious injuries if he was busy with paperwork or babysitting Jim, not that you minded; it kept you busy, and social. Chekov seemed to be a weekly visitor at a minimum, always having sprained his wrist or bruised a rib. You'd wondered how he managed it, though you never really asked. 

Flirting back and forth as you tended to the injury of the week always ensued, and Bones would grumble away, busying himself in another part of sick bay. Both you and Chekov found it highly amusing. He'd flirt non stop, and you'd be a giggling, blushing mess by the end of it all, a sight he never did get bored of seeing.

One day, he'd come in with a back ache from an away mission, and you'd been in sick bay to help him, as per usual. Greeted with your smile, he'd forgotten the pain momentarily until he tried to sit down, letting the loudest yell out.

"Chekov!" you shouted, wondering if he'd managed to hurt himself any further, genuine concern lacing your voice. Your stress was somewhat relieved when he flashed you his charming, cheeky smile.

"I am fine, all the more so for seeing you, of course." You'd smiled back, eyes facing the floor as you went to grab the hypospray. All through it, Chekov had failed to take his eyes off of you, sending you a sweet smile every time you met his eye. Once you'd finished, you looked at him once more; he still had that daft grin.

"You're all done, you're free to go." 

"Вы красивая.." muttered Chekov, absentmindedly. He hadn't realised he said that out loud until your voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"What did you just say? I'm afraid I don't speak Russian" you'd giggled, him too once he'd realised what he had done. Seeing there was no reason to hide that he said anything, he told you with a nervous grin this time, not filled with its usual confidence.

"I said I you're beautiful." His gaze not faltering, your cheeks flared a bright red, fiddling with your hands instead of looking at him. Feeling Chekov's hands cover your own, you were forced to look up at him, and from there, it was history for you two.

Anybody within a country mile of the two of you could see there was a spark between you both, so it was no surprise when it came out you were a couple. Not even Spock was shocked. Chekov was the best boyfriend you could have asked for, he never stepped a foot out of line and always put you first. Even before his own life.

There was an away mission you'd been sent on with Jim, Spock, Chekov and a couple of red shirts you hadn't met yet. The captain would usually take Bones as the medical officer, but he was swamped with paperwork and feeling a little ill himself, so Jim decided you were going instead. You were excited, seeing a new planet and the nature, wildlife and culture was what you'd always wanted to do, the reason you had joined Starfleet. That, and to help people, of course. 

Things went bad, Jim started a fight, at least two of the red shirts were missing, and chaos had broken out. For your first away mission, things hadn't gone great. You'd be glad to be back on the ship. The remaining members of your away team were currently running from the now hostile group of aliens you were trying to make peace with. Suddenly, Scotty had managed to get a lock on you all and you were beamed up safely to the Enterprise. Once you were in the transporter room, you'd looked immediately for Chekov, who was clutching his arm before he collapsed. 

Panic wasn't in your nature as a trained nurse and physician, however your brain saw the man you loved in pain on the ground and it began to seep through. You rushed to him before Jim had picked him up and carried him to the sick bay. Bones began work on him almost immediately, a comforting arm around your shoulder from the Captain as Bones worked his magic. The problem far too technical for you to perform as of yet, and you had agreed it was best left to trained hands. It turned out Chekov had been hit by one of their weapons, and it had injected a toxin into his blood stream.

"Any longer and the kid would have been dead. You two did well gettin' him here in time, he'll be just fine" Bones stated, packing up his equipment and giving you a curt nod. You thanked him with one back, still in shock that he had almost died. You felt Jim squeeze your shoulder and you looked up at him.

"Stay here with him, Y/N, we'll manage on the bridge just fine now." You gave him a grateful smile and he left. Making your way over to the now asleep Chekov, you took his hand and held it gently.

"You almost died on me.." you trailed off, to nobody but yourself.

"But I didn't." Your head shot up and looked at him, and he lay there with the same grin you'd fallen in love with. You couldn't help but smile back, his smile was infectious. 

"Deaths door and you're still being cheeky?" you tried to be serious, but couldn't help bursting into laughter all the same, Chekov joining in not long after. You cupped his face in your hands as he sat up to look at you properly.

"I'm sorry," he started, sensing how genuinely worried you were. "If it means anything, I didn't mean to, he just got a lucky shot." 

"You're the only man I know who almost met his maker and has still got time to crack a joke.." you leaned down to kiss him. Pulling away all too soon, he met your eyes and they sparkled with their usual glimmer of mischief and love.

"A cuddle would really help ease my pain, Y/N, it's science, trust me" he winked, sitting up and dangling his legs off the edge of the bed. You stood between them and wrapped your arms round his neck, burying your face into his neck. It stayed that way for a while before you had spoken up.

"Please don't ever leave me, любимая моя." It was his turn to be a blushing mess, pulling back as he looked at you, astonished. You'd called him your beloved in perfect Russian and caught him off guard.

"You do speak Russian! That was perfect, Y/N, you amaze me. Where did you lean this?" he questioned, eyes full of love for only you.

"Uhura may have had a hand in it." 

Needless to say, the night was spent full of cuddles, kisses and endless amounts of affection between you both, enough to make the whole ship sick. You wouldn't have your feral little Russian any other way.


A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! :) x

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