[TNG] Data - Nothing Will Change That

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In space, nothing was too out of the ordinary. Not much could surprise anyone aboard the Enterprise at this point. Nothing could top what they'd seen thus far, that much was certain.

Sitting in Ten Forward, you were sat looking at the stars in front of you, as became normal for you. Geordi had suggested writing your name on the chair you were there that often. It was peaceful, Ten Forward, you enjoyed the atmosphere and Guinan was always a delight when she popped over for a chat. This time, however, you were joined by another friend, instead.

"Y/N, may I join you?" came a voice from the left of you, and you looked up, smiling at the android, who currently had his head tilted to the side awaiting a response.

"I would enjoy nothing more, Data. Please." you gestured to the empty chair, and grinned as he sat. Over the year or so you had been assigned to the Enterprise, you became good friends with Data, often meeting together to discuss art, or read poetry with one another. Simply being together made you happy, and you were glad you had met him.

Data felt the same, too. Well, as much as an android could feel. Much like his relationship with Geordi, he was thankful he had you to teach him, to help him, and to love him. Basic human emotions like that were something he couldn't feel, but he understood. You had waltzed into his life and neither of you looked back.

Data knew you very well, and over the years, he had been there with you through the bad, the good, and the downright awful emotions you went through. Never once did he leave, or even think of it. Which is why at present, he sensed you were deep in thought and slightly away with the fairies as it were.

"Are you alright, tonight?" Data's voice was low, quiet and kind, as it always was when he enquired as to your mood. He knew sometimes you didn't feel your best, and the last thing he'd want to do would be to antagonise you.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm alright, Data. Just a few thoughts running around in this little head again." You laughed a little at the end of your sentence, something Data picked up on; it usually meant you weren't telling the whole truth.

"Are you sure?"

At that, you looked into the android's eyes, and the twinkle told you he was worried. You raised your eyebrows, defeated. Looking down at your lap, you twiddled your fingers together and bit your bottom lip.

Data stared at you. He couldn't recall the last time he saw you so nervous. Placing a hand on yours, he used his other hand to tilt your head up to look at him. Data recognised the worry in your eyes, and his face softened once again.

"Please talk to me, Y/N."

"There's just something on my mind, I guess. Something I've known for a while, and I suppose if I'm going to tell anyone, it should be you," you faltered slightly, questioning whether or not to continue. Feeling Data squeeze your hand in support, you did. "I've known for years now, but I don't know why I have had such a hard time admitting it to myself, but I have. I'm pansexual, Data." 

He cocked his head, processing what you had said. 

"Pansexual; not limited in choice with regard to gender, sex or gender identity." His voice was calm as he read off the definition he'd found in his memory banks. Data looked at you again. "Is this a problem for you?"

"No, no, I'm comfortable in what I know. I thought it might be for some other people, though.." your voice went quiet and you looked out to the stars once more. Hearing Data's chair scuffle along the floor, you assumed he was readying to leave and sighed. However, you felt him pull your hands into his lap so he could hold them properly as he spoke. Staring at him yet again, you found nothing but affection in his eyes. 

"Things like this are never a problem, Y/N. They used to be, in a long gone dark era of human history, but now, it is not. I am proud of you for being so open about this, and finally coming to accept it, because there is nothing wrong with it. If people choose to have a problem with your sexuality, then I am afraid they have no place in your life. I for one, do not care. You are still wonderful, you are still brave, and you are still you. That is all that matters."

Your eyes welled up as Data spoke. Smiling at him, you received a hint of a smile back, as he stroked the back of your hands with his thumb.

"You don't think anyone else will care either, do you?"

He blinked at your question. "Not a chance. The crew we travel with are by far the most accepting set of people you could find. And if anybody should fine problem with it, they will not last much longer aboard this ship, as I am sure the Captain would not take to kindly to it, not to mention the rest of us."

You thought about what he said, and he was right. You knew your friends wouldn't care. Not unkindly, of course, but more in the sense that they loved you regardless of who you chose to love. 

"Thank you, Data. Where would I be without you?"

You leaned over and kissed his cheek, pulling him in for a hug. The android wrapped his arms around you and ran a hand through your hair as you buried your head into his neck, getting any final nerves you may have had out of your system. Pulling back from the embrace, Data kissed the top of your head.

"Thanking me is never necessary. I will always be here, whatever the problem may be. You are my Y/N, and you always will be. Nothing can change that fact." 


A/N: This was a cute request, thank you for reading! :) x

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