[TNG] Will Riker - We're A Family

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Will Riker woke up early, as he always did with a brand new day. It was a habit he'd had since the Academy. Despite it, he was far from a morning person, and many a day went where you had to deal with a grouchy Will. Not that you minded, you loved him for it. His dedication to his job was astounding, and you had always admired his work ethic, among other things. Every morning you'd greet him with a coffee to help him shake off the bed.

You had been friends since the later years of Starfleet Academy, and had subsequently picked up positions aboard the Enterprise; Will took a command post and you had been assigned to medical. He was always there to push you to study and knew just how much you loved to help people.

Will was your rock through some hard times, and no matter the issue, he was by your side. You told him everything, and he listened and did what he could to make things right. Through every stressful study night, through every heartbreak. It was always Will sat with you at the end of it. The night you told him you loved him, you were in Ten Forward, not two weeks ago, looking out at the universe. It was the best memory you had. From there, everything seemed perfect; Will was happy, and so were you.

So it came as a surprise when he awoke that morning and you weren't in his quarters, or at least at the door. He put it down to you being ill, or possibly busy; Dr Crusher had you running more tests than usual in the med bay, so Will put it down to you getting an early start. What he didn't expect when he reached the bridge was for the captain to pull him into his ready room before he had the chance to sit.

"Something wrong, sir?" he enquired, and seeing the look on Captain Picard's face, he knew the answer already. Saying nothing, he placed a PADD down in front of Will for him to read. It was your resignation letter.

"Y/N resigned?" he asked to nobody in particular.

"I was wondering if you knew why, Will?" Picard asked, not unkindly, given he could see Will's mood drop immediately.

"Is Y/N still aboard, Captain?" Will asked quietly. Picard nodded, and dismissed Will, knowing he would want to go and find you. He stood, swinging his legs over the back of the chair and left, the PADD hanging onto the end of the table due to his carelessness. Right now, only you mattered.

Reaching your quarters, he buzzed your door and received no reply. In haste, he used his override and found your quarters empty. Getting all the more anxious, he walked through the corridors and headed to the one other place he thought you could be: Ten Forward.

Guinan greeted him silently, the every present smile she always wore gracing her face. As though she knew why he was here, Guinan nodded over to the corner where you liked to sit on your visits here. It was away from people and mostly out of view, especially with it being the middle of the day, it was extra quiet.

You were circling the rim of your glass with your finger as you let tears fall down your face. Engrossed in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed Will walk up to your table, nor had you seen the sad look on his face.

"May I?" Will broke the silence, his voice soft and calm. Your head shot up, though there was little use in acting like things were fine; You nodded, and he sat.

"You know, then?" came your voice, quiet, but still trying to remain firm. He just looked at you, and when you looked back, your heart broke. Will had never looked so sad, his eyes were watery. Looking away, you turned back to your drink, not wanting to cry yourself in front of him.

"I thought you were happy here?"

"Happy? Oh, I am. I absolutely am, I couldn't ask for a better ship to be stationed on," you admitted, honestly. "I've made some really great friends here, seen many different planets, and tried things I otherwise wouldn't have."

"Then why would you resign?" Will's voice was the quiet one this time, his tone suggesting he was beyond confusion.

"I just don't feel like I'm cut out to be here, Will. I don't think my skills are needed; there's far more talented people back at Starfleet waiting for a position on a ship like this," Will's eyebrows raised as he looked up at you, thinking your statement was incredulous. "I'm good at what I do, but not quite good enough."

"Did you not save that ensigns life the other week?" he questioned, cutting you off.

You blinked at him in surprise. "I did."

"And did you not help Dr. Crusher with the solution to those tests a few days ago?"

"Well, yes but-"

"And if I remember rightly, you also saved that creature on the last away mission, did you not?"


"And you still think you don't deserve to be here?"

You went silent. Will had a solid argument, and you could hardly argue with what he said; it was very true. You did all of those things. You were pulled out of your thoughts by Will lacing his fingers with yours. Still looking down, you smiled.

"We're a family here, Y/N, everyone on this ship deserves to be here. Never feel like you're not good enough. Plus everyone would miss you, and if you think I'm dealing with Data complaining that you aren't there to listen to his poetry, then you're wrong."

You laughed a genuine laugh for the first time in a while. You could always leave it up to Will to make you happy. Raising your head, you were met with his shining blue eyes staring back at you with nothing but adoration.

"I love you, Will, thank you for everything."

"I love you too, Y/N, don't ever scare me like that again, I don;t know what I'd do without you." He leaned forward and captured your lips, and you cupped his face with your free hand, returning it. As he pulled back, he smiled, one you always smiled back at.

You were happy here, you had a family, you had Will; that was enough.


A/N: It's 4am. I am delirious. I did not proof read for my eyes will not stay open. I hope you enjoyed, I'm going to sleep until next year :') x

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