[TNG] Data - It's Love

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Data understood many things about humans; how they interacted, how they reacted in certain situations, why they made the decisions they did in the moment. Though, to him, love was still pretty much undiscovered territory. He had yet to fully understand the motions of love, and when faced with it himself, the android was, for lack of a better phrase, at a complete loss.

You had been aboard the Enterprise now for two years, and in that two years you had made so many friends and formed relationships that you knew would last a lifetime. Amongst those relationships was Data. The two of you had gotten closer as the years went on, and you found yourself missing him whilst he was gone. Away missions worried you, the fear of him possibly not returning eating away at you more than it probably should. All these things you felt for Data made you realise you loved him, truly and completely, though it was foolish to you.

Data was an android, and you knew he was not fully capable of emotion, certainly not love. Or so you believed. Whenever confronted with talk of emotion, Data would always have his reply to hand, "I am an android." Therefore, you couldn't believe that, of all the people aboard the ship, your heart had to to go for the one that could never love you back.

Little did you know.

Data was conflicted. He knew he felt something for you, even without his emotion chip. He felt a sense of calm and belonging when spending time with you, and when you smiled or laughed, he found himself smiling along with you, albeit a small one; it was definitely still there. Everything he believed he couldn't do, he did. And when in doubt, he reached out to the one person he knew could help.

"Ah, Data, please come in," Deanna spoke in her usual soft tone, inviting Data in to her quarters. "What can I do for you?"

"I have a query, and I believe you may be able to help me, Counsellor." He paused for a moment, and Deanna nodded for him to continue when ready. "How would you describe the feeling of love?"

Deanna raised her eyebrows, evidently shocked at such a question from Data. Still, she remained her calm self, despite a smile breaking its way through.

"Well," she began, pausing herself for a moment. "I would say love feels like a safe place, almost homely, Data. Love feels like security, like nothing can touch you or harm you. It feels warm, even in the coldest of times, and it feels like a calm sea after a storm."

Data was taking in every word Deanna said, nodding intently as he listened. He tilted his head when she had finished speaking,  as if processing her words.

"Is there a reason you asked me this, Data?"

"I believe I am experiencing love, Counsellor."

Deanna's smile now completely visible, she placed a hand on the androids knee.

"That's wonderful, Data. You're getting more and more human each day. I'm happy for you."

"Might I ask one more thing, Counsellor?" As she nodded, he spoke quieter this time.

"How might one go about courting a human?"

The meeting came to its close, Deanna having told Data everything she could and advising him as much as possible. Data took in every word, memorised every sentence, and finally had enough confidence after his talk with the counsellor to admit what had been sat dormant for a while.

Deanna, on the other hand, was playing matchmaker in her head. Having heard everything Data had said, it left her wondering as to whom he may have been talking about. The next hour or so was occupied with thoughts of who may have caught Data's eye, until she sat in Ten Forward later that day. You were already inside when Deanna entered, talking to Guinan at the bar. Approaching the both of you, she was met with a warm smile.

"Hello," your voice was chirpy and happy, as ever. Deanna smiled back. "Care to join me, Counsellor? I have missed our chats."

"I would love nothing more, Y/N."

Between the two of you, Guinan occasionally popping in with her two pence, you spoke about anything and everything over a drink (in Deanna's case, a chocolate sundae.) Your conversation was interrupted by a hand on the bar next to you, and instantly you knew that voice.

"My apologies, may I steal Y/N from you, Counsellor?" 

Turning, you looked at Data with bright eyes and a warm smile, and that's the moment when Deanna finally clicked. It was you. You were the mystery that Data had come to her for, and at this point, it all made sense. The fleeting glances, the long stares, the smiles you shared. It was love; Deanna's smile could not get any wider.

"Data, we-"

"Absolutely, Data." You turned to her in shock as she cut you off, and she simply raised her eyebrows at you. Raising one in return, as you had noticed her suspiciously mischievous look, you allowed yourself to be whisked away with Data, who walked you to a table in the corner, neither of you noticing the knowing looks from both Deanna and Guinan. 

"Y/N, I do apologise for interrupting you, however I do have something I wish to tell you."

He looked almost nervous, and your heart fluttered slightly at the sight of it. If androids could look nervous, this was the height of it. Data usually carried himself with such confidence, it was strange to see him presenting as anything else, and to some extent it worried you. Wondering what this was all about, genuinely oblivious, you nodded and allowed him to continue.

"I have been experiencing certain emotions over the past couple of weeks, in particular, and I believe that those emotions are directed at you." You raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to take that statement. "I have found myself thinking about you often as of late, and I believe that it is love. I feel a sense of happiness around you when you are here, and I always wish to spend more time with you. Whenever you leave, I find I do not know what to do with myself. I carry out my daily tasks knowing they would be less tedious with you around. I believe, Y/N, that the emotion I am feeling is love."

You sat silently and listened to Data, completely shocked. Whatever you had expected from the android when you sat down, this was most definitely not it. You smiled, placing a hand atop his, which rested on the table, giving it a light squeeze.

"I'm glad it's not just me then, Data."

He looked at you with a spark in his eyes, as always, and now you knew why. It's love.


A/N: Thanks for reading! :) x

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