[AOS] Spock - The One With The Beds

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When people met Spock, they usually had the same conclusion. Often, people found him to be reserved, quiet, stern. It was understandable, Vulcans were not known for their emotions or their hospitality, that much was true. Though, you had come to quite the opposite opinion.

From the moment you met Spock aboard the Enterprise, your primary mission was to get him to emotion. Any emotion. You played every game you could, tried everything you could, and yet the Vulcan simply would not do it. Spock showed you no emotion. It was frustrating you, and annoying you, but still you were determined. However, your primary mission was certainly not to fall in love with Spock, but that was exactly what you did.

All the months of annoying him and hanging around him had taken a toll on you, for the better depending on who you asked. You came to actually enjoy his company, even occasionally not arguing and actually getting along. In those conversations, you came to see him in a different light, and Spock had also done the same.

All along he knew you were simply trying to elicit an emotion from him, so he was determined not to show any to you. Though, the more he got to know you and the more you hung around him, Spock began to realise you were far from an annoyance; you were brilliant. Your intelligence drew him in first and foremost, your knowledge on history impressing him. Your conversation was easy to hold, and often Spock found himself listening intently to your stories or anecdotes, whatever they were. He felt an emotion, sure enough, and it was love. 

Fast forward and you had been with Spock for six months. Six months that had gone by so quickly. Spock had been nothing but amazing with you, respectful and kind; you in turn showing him such actions back. Between the two of you, you had successfully managed to keep your relationship a secret from fellow crewmates, though they did often wonder just what your relationship was. Friends, thought most, but little did they know how far from the truth they were.

An away mission was scheduled and you were among those beaming down. Very rare was it that you were sent on one, but the captain had insisted that you accompanied them, believing your knowledge of varying species' history would prove useful to the team. Said team consisted of the captain, Bones, Spock and yourself. You were to rendezvous with the government of the planet to exchange supplies, but should anything else be mentioned had warranted you being there. Spock, naturally was worried.

"I would prefer you to stay aboard Enterprise, however I cannot argue with the captain. Therefore, please stay safe." Spock placed a kiss on your forehead and you took his hand in yours.

"Of course. You aren't getting rid of me so easily." Your tone made him smile slightly. In the time you had been together you hadn't lost your bite. 

Entering the transporter room, you beamed down outside of a large building, covered in engraved stones. It looked like a language. A man was there to greet you, and he informed you that your meeting was not scheduled until the next morning, but the minister would like you all to stay the night and experience their food and culture. Jim had agreed, such an opportunity could not be turned down, most definitely. 

The man showed you to the guest quarters, and with a curt nod, he left you four be. 

"This is really something" Bones spoke, looking out of the window at the view down below.

"Sure is, hospitable people. There's just one problem."

Jim nodded to the sleeping area, in which there sat three beds. Lovely beds, that much was true, but one short for your party. You turned your had to Spock and gave him a look, in which he told you silently with his own expression that the following couple of minutes would be entertaining. And so, the argument of where you would sleep began, Jim speaking first.

"Well, I'll take the floor."

"No," Bones interrupted. "That's not necessary, there'll just have to be two people in one bed, use your brain."

"But who? Spock's out of the question, he likes his space, and Vulcans don't like the smell of humans anyway. So that leaves the three of us."

"No way in hell I'm sleeping next to you" Bones used his most adamant voice, you now stifling a giggle at the two men. 

"Nobody said you had to, Bones! Why not though, what'd I do?" Jim looked outright offended at the mere fact Leonard would choose not to sleep with him.

"Not used to rejection are we?" Bones asked, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Might I suggest you two cease bickering before you summon security?" Spock had interjected, silencing the two men in their tracks. Had they not been so absorbed in their defences, they would have been able to put two and two together and noticed Spock's arm had taken place around your waist.

"Why don't we just ask Y/N?" Jim said, sounding a little defeated, throwing his hands up.

Jim and Bones turned to you, and you hadn't quite managed to keep the smile off your face, though your laughter had ceased. Spock's arm had fallen, though he remained close to you.

"There's no need for you two to share a bed, boys," you walked to the captain and patted his shoulder, in which he turned to Bones with a smirk, almost conveying winner's confidence. "I'm staying with Spock."

Jim's smirk was gone. Very quickly. Completely vanished. Spock had walked back up behind you, taking your hand in his own. Bones looked down at your intertwined hands and couldn't keep his own smile from appearing. It was a smile of shock, but also partially because Jim had not won. You walked off with Spock, leaving the captain and the doctor to themselves.

Bones breathed out a laugh in disbelief; Jim still hadn't processed the past three minutes.

"Well I never, that pointy-eared bastard."

"Wait.. WHAT?"


A/N: Thanks for reading! :) x

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