[TOS] Spock - Anniversary

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Four years. Time had flown by. Four years to the day that you had married the man you loved, four years since the best day of your life. Every day since had been wonderful. Spock was a wonderful husband, he couldn't do any more than he already was. Your anniversary had crept up on the both of you, given the busy work schedule, and you had prepared for him forgetting. Never had he done that in the past, but with the events of the past week taking their toll on both of you and the rest of the crew, you were hardly within right to blame him.

So it had come as a surprise when you woke up the morning of your anniversary to the smell of freshly baked bread running through your quarters. Rising, you walked to the kitchen area to determine the source. Rounding the corner, you were met with your husband, working away with his back to you.

"Good morning, ashayam." His voice was as level as always, yet it carried a soft tone that you had picked up on over the years; anybody else would fail to notice unless they were searching for it. Even after four years of marriage, the nicknames he gave you never lost their charm.

"Good morning, love," you started, walking to him and wrapping your arms around his middle. Staying turned away, he brushed his fingers against yours briefly before continuing. "What's all this?"

"I remember you mentioning a while back that you enjoyed the baked goods one your home planet, and so I have prepared you some to celebrate today."

You smiled gratefully at him, though he hadn't seen, and you stood tiptoe to press a kiss to his shoulder. Spock smiled, a rare yet beautiful thing, and proceeded to work on his masterpieces. 

"You're far too kind," your voice was quiet, backing off so he could work freely, choosing to lean against the table instead. Turning, he raised his eyebrows incredulously, and you giggled. He never really did take your compliments well, especially those worded in such a fashion. 

"You deserve everything, Y/N."

Spock was always sweet and caring, something others may not have expected from him. To others, he was cold and stoic, yet to you he was nothing but a hopeless romantic, showing you absolute love and adoration all of the time. That was one of the (many) reasons you had fallen in love with the Vulcan in the first place, and each and every day he proved to you that every feeling you had towards him was correct.

As the day progressed, the two of you spent it together, no thoughts of work ever crossing either of your minds. You took some time to eat and relax in the morning, idle chat filling the room, and by the afternoon, you were sat watching some old television shows that Spock had dug out, remembering how much you loved old 21st century media. These moments were what you cherished, thankful each and every day that you had Spock by your side. As you watched, you looked up at your husband, his eyes dropping down to meet yours as he felt you shift beside him.

"I love you." You knew how much you told him, at this point you definitely sounded like a stuck record. Unspoken, though, Spock felt his heart warm each time you said it to him. 

"As do I you."

Night finally arrived, and you had done nothing but revel in each others company, having eaten and showered you were ready to call it a day. Standing by the window of your quarters, you gazed out on the view. Stars littered the vast space before you, each one glinting with an array of colours, lighting up the area surrounding the Enterprise. To some, it may have seemed daunting; to you it was comforting. You were where you wanted to be in every sense. Sighing, a smile graced your face. A pair of arms found their way around your waist and a kiss was pressed to the back of your head in an all too familiar feeling.

"Is everything alright?" Spock asked, voice full of care as he held you tighter. You nodded, turning in his arms to face him.

"Never has it been better."

"I hope you have enjoyed today, Y/N. I know that such dates mean a lot to humans in general. I can only wish I have lived up to those expectations."

You giggled slightly, wrapping your arms around Spock's neck, pulling him down so you could place a short kiss on his lips. He seemed confused, wondering what he had said that was humorous, accepting the kiss nonetheless.

"You have and always will be above expectations, Spock. Never have you let me down and never have you made me feel anything less than loved." You rested your head on his chest, and felt Spock pull you flush to his chest with one arm, the other finding your own hand and holding it. Looking up, you were met with his forehead meeting yours and a small smile present on his face. Your free hand cupped his face and you stood in silence together. These were moments that people on the opposite side of the door would never believe.

"Here's to many more, my love." You spoke quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"To many more." Spock repeated.


A/N: Thanks for reading! :) x

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