[AOS] Spock - Permission

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Vulcans, to everybody's knowledge, were a respectful people. They had their quirks and their traditions, most that spread over each aspect of life. Though, despite these deep rooted cultural aspects, each Vulcan was different. Some were more open than others, and some were more shut off than others.

Spock was almost a centre balance of this. While he was not the most open Vulcan you could meet, he by no means was closed off. Spock was more than willing to talk, to share experiences, to step out of his comfort zone. Over his time on the Enterprise, he had become relaxed, choosing to engage more with his crewmates than he had originally. Though, when it came to relationships, Spock was much stricter on himself.

You had entered a relationship with the resident Vulcan not long after your assignment to the Enterprise. In the beginning, Spock was very regal, stoic, and he took some getting used to being around. You had learned to step carefully, knowing when to touch him and when he needed space. He would rarely vocalise such things, seeing them as weaknesses, and you had come to learn how to tell what he wanted. This was not to say he didn't love when you held his hand or cupped his face, on the contrary; one of his favourite things was to hold you in his arms after a long day babysitting the captain on the bridge.

Each time you wanted to do so, however, you asked him. Without fail, you asked. He complied, never once was it an issue for you to hug him or kiss him. Spock would never say it out loud, but he loved that so much about you. That you had such a respect for him and his people that you would enquire before doing anything. Unnecessary perhaps, he thought, given that you were courting, but he admired it and found it adorable. It reminded him of what he saw as a child in his parents, how Amanda treated Sarek and the traditions of Vulcan. In turn, he saw how much his father came to adore his mother, seeing that similarity in himself when it came to you.

He was in his quarters one night, a rarity for him to have some relaxation time, when the door chimed to let him know someone was there. He placed his book down, striding over to it. As it swung open, you stood there, clad in your uniform with a distressed look gracing your face. He narrowed his eyes slightly out of concern, and wordlessly stepped aside to allow you in.

"Y/N, is everything alright?" Spock's voice finally spoke. It was full of worry, though anybody who had not been around him as much would not have picked up on such a minute tone.

"I, uh- I-" you couldn't finish your sentence as you played with the cuff of your sleeve, unsure of how to tell your love that you were simply stressed from the day and needed him.

"Please," he began, stepping closer to you and tilting your chin up. "You do not need to feel scared, I would like to know what is troubling you, ashayam."

Standing there, you could do nothing but look up at him, his eyes shining with a glaze of sorrow, as though your distressed state was making him upset. You shrugged, leaning into his hand that had moved from your chin to cup your face.

"It's just, it's been a very hard day, I'm tired and worked up, and I just needed you." Your honest and open words caught his attention visibly, as his eyebrow quirked up and his head titled ever so slightly to the right. He could see you fiddling around, looking at him and then away and repeating said process.

Smiling at him, a half hearted one, he led you to the couch with a hand lightly on the small of your back and sat beside you, taking your hands in his own. Your heart fluttered, knowing the significance of such an act for Vulcans to engage with.

"You know I am always here, Y/N, whenever you require me to be. You need only ask."

"Would you mind if I hugged you? I could really use a cuddle." You spoke, a small chuckle leaving your throat as you fought back a stream of tears.

"Y/N, you do not have to ask. I know you do as courtesy, and it has always made me feel happy that you would respect me so, though I do believe now we have reached a stage where that permission is no longer needed."

Your jaw dropped a little as you just stared at the man you loved, dumbfounded. You knew he was a private man, and you knew at times he liked his space. Therefore, hearing this made your heart soar. You smiled a genuine smile, and he sent one back, given it was a smaller one than your own, but it was there.

"I love you, Spock."

"And I you, Y/N."

At that, you wound yourself around his torso as he leaned back into the couch to accommodate you. Before long, you had entangled your limbs with his own, your arms resting around his middle while his found your hair, the feeling of home and comfort lulling you to sleep, fighting the feelings of the day away.

A/N: Thanks for reading! :) x

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