Fetish For Love- 3

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Josephine POV
"Mom can I go to a party at Felix's house ?" I sit on the chair across from her. "Don't come back late you have work today"

"Nahh I have a day off today" I smile grabbing my Nike bookbag. "Alright hurry you're going to be late for school" she smiles drinking some of her coffee. "Alright bye" I kiss her on the cheek walking out.

I smile when I see Renesme waiting for me in the car. I open the door going inside. "So you ready for the party later" she grins, driving off.

"I'm always ready, you don't gotta ask" I smile rolling my window down. "So you and Felix then ?" She smirks. "Come on how many times do I have to tell you I don't date !" I let out a small laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yesterday Mathew seemed pretty jealous when he saw you talking to Hero" I tell her throwing my head back when I see the school. And now we're in hell. "Oh I forgot to tell you I have a surprise for you !" She slightly screams making me jump. "What's my surprise ?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You'll find out later" she smirks parking the car. We get out the car walking towards the school. "I don't understand Hero" she furrows her eyebrows. I follow her gaze that lands on Hero with a girl against his car as they stand very close to each other. "He wants to get with you but yet he flirts with other girls ? Fucking idiot he's just wasting you're time" she glares at him.

I shrug "This is why I don't do dating, the hot ones be the player ones. And that's not good I'll just get hurt and I don't have time for that" I look away once we step inside the school. "I'll see you around okay ?" Renesme says. I nod opening my locker putting the books I won't be needing for the day, as I'm putting the books away an arm is wrapped around my shoulders. "Wassgood Jo" Felix says kissing my cheek.

I smile turning to my left "Hey Felix" I give him a small hug closing my locker. "Let's skip the first two periods ? The teacher isn't here and I already signed us in so we won't be marked absent. We can go to the courtyard"

We walk in the crowded hallway as students try to get to there first two period class. We walk outside to the courtyard walking to the last red table. This school is so shity they literally don't give a shit if your skipping or anything. Am I complaining ? Hell no.

I'm lift off the floor placed on top of the red table. Felix crashes his lips against mines gripping my waist pulling our bodies together. I can feel his hard cock pocking my stomach begging to be inside me. He groans sliding his tongue inside my mouth sucking on my tongue. I moan wrapping my arms around his neck tangling my hands on his hair tugging it. He grabs my legs wrapping it around his waist. He brings one hand behind my neck deepening the kiss. He pulls my bottom lip sinking his teeth into it. I moan tugging his hair harder. I slowly begin to grind my hips against his crotch. He lets out a deep moan sliding his hand under my shirt before he can even touch my breast someone clears their throat interrupting us.

"Shit" Felix curses under his breath pulling his hand out fixing my shirt. "Cock blocker" Felix tells Hero letting out a sigh. "Dam ya were about to fuck in the school" Hero says sitting down.

"Like if you haven't" Felix says smirking at him. I let out a small giggle shacking my head. "You ain't wrong" Hero shrugs smirking. "I thought you would be fucking that chick I saw you with outside" Felix says sitting down in front of Hero while I sit on top of the table. "I already did"

"Let's skip school I ain't feeling it today" Felix says looking at me. "Sure" I shrug getting on my feet. "You coming ?" Felix says looking at Hero. Hero nods following us. "let's go to Wendy's I'm fucking hungry" Felix says leading us to his car. "Hungry for the pussy" Hero jokes. I through my head back laughing.

After fifteen minutes go by we arrive to Wendy's. We order food sitting down. "I'll be back" Felix says walking away leaving me and Hero alone. I hold back my laugh when I see Felix going inside the bathroom with a girl. He really doesn't care if he gets caught. I swear he's going to catch STD someday. He's always fucking random girls.

From the corner of my eyes I can Hero staring at me. I look back at him, I may not look nervous but I'm fucking nervous. His green eyes are so intense to look at. "Do I make you nervous ?" The corner of his lip lifts into a small smile showing his dimple. "No" I answer confident. I don't flinch when I feel his hand on my thigh. I bring my hand under the table pushing his hand off. "Whatever you're trying to do stop it. It's not going to work" I smirk, he's playing with fire he'll end up melting.

"And what am I trying to do ?" He leans back showing his perfect muscles in his white shirt. I cross my legs tightly. Don't get distracted Jo. "I don't know you tell me" I lean back too letting my shirt hang low in the front letting my cleavage show a bit.

"I bet you're wet. That's why your crossing your legs so tight. I can see how hard you're nipples are" he smirks. I part my lips slightly bitting it, his jaw clenches. Found one of his weakness, check. "I bet your dick is hard for me" I smirk leaning on the table showing my cleavage even more. "There is only one way to find out" he smirks.

"Alright I got some pussy, now I can eat" Felix interrupts us sitting down. "Did I interrupt something ?" Felix says looking at me and Hero. "No, not at all" I smirk at Hero digging into my food.


"Renesme where the fuck are you I don't see you're car"

"You're surprise is going to be there right now I gotta go bye. Oh and don't kill me love you" I hang up rolling my eyes. Another unknown number begins to call me. "Hello ?"

"I came to pick you up. I'm in the red car" Hero. It's so easy to recognize his voice because of his British accent. I hang up walking towards the red car. I open the door to the passenger seat going inside. "You have a nice car" I tell him as I put my seat belt on. "Thank you, baby"

"Don't call me that" I glare at him. "Fine, then what should I call you ?"

"Like everyone does just call me Jo" I shrug. "Alright then Jo. We have to go to the liquor store" I nod texting my mom I'm already heading to the party.

"Can I ask you something ?" He says his eye still focus on the road. "Sure" I put my phone away.

"Why didn't you talk to me back then. Did you not like me ?"

"Its not that I didn't like you I just didn't talk to you. I was a bit different back then. I didn't like to start conversations first" I shrug. "So we're friend's now ?" He smirks looking at me for second his eyes then go back to the road. "Yeah we're friends now" I roll my eyes not able to hide the smile.

After we arrive Hero gets out and then I get out. "You're gonna come ?" He stops walking. "Yeah, why wouldn't I ?"

"Their's sometimes some fucking dickheads in there. I don't think a girl like you should be in a liquor store at night"

"What do you mean a girl like me ?" I cross my arms. "Don't worry about it now come on lets go" he grabs my hand leading me inside. I thought that when we would step inside the store he would pull his hand away but he didn't and neither did I. After he gets a bunch of different alcohol we go to the register. "Heyy beautiful" a drunk man says that's behind us waiting in the line too. "Fuck off dude" Hero glares at him grabbing me by the waist pulling me in front of him. After he pays he holds my hand tightly, he lets it go once we reach to his car. "You should've never gone inside with me" Hero says in a harsh tone. The fuck did I do ? The drive to Felix's house is silent.

Author Note
Please get chapter one & two to 100 votes, if you do I promise I will give you guys a double chapter. Follow me to get the small sneak peaks for the next chapters.

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