Fetish For Love- 15

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                            Josephine POV
"The DNA test came out positive" the doctor says handing me the papers. "In your next appointment we'll be checking on how the baby is doing" I nod looking at Hero waiting for a reaction but he just sits there with a serious face. "Thank you" I get off the bed walking next to Hero. We silently walk back to his car, I clear my throat "Are you gonna say something ?" I whisper with my heart beating fast.

"Just processing that I'm a dad" I nod looking down at the floor. "Are you hungry ?" He tucks his hands inside his pockets. "Yes"

"Imma pick up Lisbeth and after that we'll go eat somewhere" i don't know why I'm suddenly being so shy and quiet it's so unnatural of me to do. We go inside the car, "Josephine" he grabs my chin. "I'm not mad okay ?" He plants a small kiss on the corner of my lip.


"Wait here imma go get Lisbeth" He gets out the car walking to the door of his neighbors. I roll my eyes when I see the big hoe of the school. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. She taps her finger on the window of the car. I put a fake smile rolling the window. "Where's Hero" she looks inside the car.

"Somewhere" i roll my eyes. "Thought you said you don't relationship's" she smirks, "who said I was in a relationship ?" I push her arms off the car. She scoffs "It's obvious he likes you, he's always getting jealous when he hears someone talking about you with another guy"

"Are you done talking ? Your voice and presence ruins my mood" I roll the window up before she can say anything. Hero opens the door putting Lisbeth in her car seat. "Get over it, you and me were nothing it was just a quick fuck." Hero says going to his seat driving away.

"Who else knows about you being pregnant ?"

"Felix, Renesme and that's it." I look down at my flat stomach. "Does your mum know ?" I shake my head no. "I was planning on telling today" I whisper, "We can do that tomorrow, today I'm taking you out to eat"

"Take me somewhere simple I'm not a fan of fancy restaurant's" I smile, he nods turning to Lisbeth. "Are you okay with Subway ? Lisbeth wants a sandwich"

"Sure" I smile, "Does Lisbeth know about me being pregnant?" He shakes his head no "I haven't told her yet, but I know she'll be happy about it. She's always talking about me having a baby" Hero rolls his eyes.

"Are you still going to London ?"

"I'm not moving to London. I'm gonna be a father and I have to be responsible for getting you pregnant" he places his hand over my thighs giving it a light squeeze. "I know you expect me to run away" he clears his throat.

"I was expecting you to avoid me and make me take care of the baby on my own" he scoffs giving my a thigh another squeeze. "What about Lisbeth ?"

"I'm keeping her with me. I doubt my parents will come back to LA to get Lisbeth." he clenches his jaw. "Anyways we're here" he gets out the car along with Lisbeth. I get out walking next to him. "You don't get along with your parents well do you ?"

"Look I get it you wanna get to know me but stop bringing up the topic about my parents" he snaps at me. "Well that's what we agreed to, didn't we ? We have to talk about you and you're parents at-"

"Just drop it Josephine" he snaps, I nod embarrassed. "Go sit down I'll prepare your sandwich " he rolls his eyes walking to the register. I grab Lisbeth's hand sitting her down next to me. She looks up giving me a small smile. I kiss her forehead wrapping my arm around her. My phone rings, I pull it out looking at the name. My eyebrows furrow as I read the message.

Renesme: Call me as soon as you can !

Me: I'll call you later I'm with Hero.

"They'll be ready in ten minutes" I hear Hero say, I put my phone away looking up at him.

"My bad about me being a bitch, I don't really like to talk about my parents"

"Are you trying to say sorry ?" I tease him, he rolls his eyes a smile playing on his lips. "Yes" he sighs, "Can I hear the words ?"

"I'm sorry" he mumbles, "What was that ? Can you say it louder ?" I giggle, "I'm sorry" he rests his elbows on the table. "Apology accepted"

"So are you and your mom close ?"

"Yeah, it's not like a have a choice" I force a smile, "What happened to your father ?"

"I don't really know, all I know is my mom doesn't like talking about him. I think he hurt my mom's feelings" I shrug, "Did you ever get to meet him ?"

"I was too little to remember his looks" I frown looking down at the table. I clear my throat, "But whatever no big deal, I'm not gonna cry over never getting to meet my dad or not having one as I grew up" I shrug.

"Their's nothing wrong about crying of never having a dad, Jo"

"I never said thir was something wrong about it" I glare at him, "I'm just sayin"

"Number 3" the guys says, Hero stands up grabbing our food. Lisbeth smiles quickly grabbing her apple juice from Hero's hand. "I ordered fries too" he hands me them, I scrunch my nose when I see ketchup onto of them. "Eww why would you tell them to add ketchup"

"You don't like ketchup ?" He cocks an eyebrow. I shake my head no with my nose scrunched, "No I don't like it"

"That's very un-American" he smirks taking a bite of his sandwich.  My jaw drops, I grab a fries and throw at his face "I'm not American !"

His eyes widened "You're not ?" He says shocked. "I'm Australian you asshole" I glare at him "Didn't you notice my accent"

"I mean yeah I did but-"

"Whatever let me eat I'm hungry" I dig into my sandwich. "Wait so you weren't born in America ?" He leans back, "No I was born in Australia, but my mom moved here when I was two because their was problems with her and my dad"

"That makes sense"

"So what made your parents move to LA ?"

"They just like moving place to place" he shrugs taking another bite of his sandwich. I look down at Lisbeth to make sure she's eating well. She blushes when she catches me staring. "Stop staring at her" Hero says, "Why ?" I turn to him. "Because she gets nervous and shy" He hands me a bottle of soda.

"So you're a London guy ?" I lean back drinking some of my soda. "I am, I like UK music, soccer is from England so i guess that's where I got all do this soccer love shit"

"Well next time you have a game I'll go for real this time" I smile.

"I like your smile" he suddenly says catching me off guard. "Thank you" I smile again, I try to hide my blush by look down. He chuckles sitting up, "Do you think you know me more now ?" He smiles, "Definitely" I smile.

Author Note
Sorry love's for the boring chapter and for not posting, Im focusing on school since it finishes in less than two weeks. Thank you for those who gave me ideas on what to write, it's very helpful. I promise in the next chapters their's going to be drama. Don't forget to vote & to follow me . If you have any questions or suggestions about anything message me I will answer.✨

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