Fetish For Love- 23

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Josephine POV
The next morning I wake up to my mom making a lot of noise in the kitchen. I roll my eyes walking to the kitchen. "Why you -" I shut my lips when I see Sebastian with her. "Morning Jo" she smiles.

"The teacher said you'll be starting homeschool in two days." She smiles handing Sebastian a cup of coffee. "Do you work today ?" I ask walking back to my room.


"Okay" I scream closing the door to my room. I throw myself on my bed burying my head on my pillow. I need to talk to Felix but he's in school right now. I grab my phone and text him. He answers that he's home. I change my clothing and head out the house.

I'm not as nervous to talk to Felix as I was with Hero. I take a deep breath before knocking the door. He's quick to open it. "I - we need to talk" my breath is shaky, you can hear how nervous and scared I am just by hearing my voice. "Come in, go to my room" he says so serious. I walk past him once I reach his room I open the door and stand by it couple inches away.

"Why are you wearing a small sweater it's cold outside" Felix asks me sitting down on his bed. I shrug "I need to buy more hoodies."

"Jo I think we should stop being friends I don't-"

"You think that ? Or your girlfriend thinks that" I snap. "Jo I told her about yesterday and she said she'll give me another chance if I stay away from you."

"Felix it was a stupid mistake that won't happen again. We've been friends for years-"

"Jo I promised her that I'll stop talking to you."

"Felix I don't even have friends like that-"

"You have Renesme" he's quickly to answer. "But it's not the same as you. We're closer. I trust you more it's just not the same" I hate crying in front of people but I end up braking down in front of Felix. "Jo please I'm doing this for my girl"
"Yesterday I went back to Hero's house to talk to him-"

"He was with Denise yeah I know" he whispers the last words. "How do you know ?"

"After school ended they went back home together." I loud bang makes both of us jump. "Felix we're gonna be late to school."

"Shit. Jo you need to leave through the back." He grabs my hand and drags me to the back of his house. "Make sure she doesn't see you" I walk slowly back to my car. As I'm driving off I see Felix hug his girl.


"So are you exited about the baby ?" My mom smiles looking between me and Sebastian. "Yeah I am" I lie, I'm not ready to be a mom. No mom is ever ready for their first child. "Don't forgot you have your appointment today."

"No I don't I thought I have it in two days." I grab my phone. "Nope I changed it so you won't miss school those days" of course she would do that.

"Well i need to start heading to my appointment then." I expect her to get up with me, isn't she coming ?

"You're not coming ?"

"I thought you would just want Hero to go with you, he's going right ?"

"Yeah he is" I lie, "you sure you don't wanna come ?"

"No its fine you two can enjoy your moment alone" she smiles kissing my cheek. I force a smile as I walk out the house. Seems like I'm going to be busy today.   I need to go to the mall to buy hoodies and sweats since the cold is already here. I need to go get my physical done. Just thinking about it makes me lazy to do anything.

After arriving to the doctor I wait til my name is called out. "Langford Josephine" the doctor smiles.

"Okay sit down on the bed take your hoodie off or lift it up, up to you" she smiles, "where's you're boyfriend ?"

"I uhh- he's-"

"I understand no need to explain" she slightly frowns but she quickly replaces it with a small smile. "We always help single teen moms if anything if you need us we're here."

"Thank you" I whisper, "alright so everything is fine with the baby. Don't forgot to drink a lot of water."

"okay in the forms you gave us we still have your boyfriend's name do you want us to remove him."

"Umm give me a second please" I take my phone out and press on Hero's name. "Of course I'll be outside to give you some privacy"

After calling Hero six times he answers. "Hello"

"I'm at the baby's appointment they're asking me if I still want you in the form meaning if you're not you can't come to the appointments."

"Up to you I gotta go I'm at school" I sigh laying my head back. "So do I remove him ?" The doctor asks, I nod looking down at my hands. "Yeah remove him."

"If he's removed he won't be able to get information of the baby. That's unless he comes and signs the paper." I nod looking back down at my hands.

She hands me a couple of papers. "These papers are for both of you to sign. Both of you need to go over them. Bring them back in two days or tomorrow."

Author Note
Here's a double update. Don't mind the typos if there is just comment typo on the word please, thank you.
Please lets get this chapter to 100 votes for another chapter tomorrow !

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