Fetish For Love- 18

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Josephine POV
"What's his name ?" Hero crosses his arms, i look down and whisper "I don't know" Hero sighs throwing his head back.

"What do you mean you don't know ?" He pinches his nose sounding angry. "I don't know him, it was just a quick fuck" I whisper, I'm ashamed on how I treat my body. "Alright I'll figure who this guy is, lets go back home" I nod standing up.

"You okay ?" Felix grabs my hands pulling me into his arms. "I'll find who this guys is" he mumbles planting a kiss on my forehead. Hero grabs my hand pulling me away from his arms. "You aren't getting jealous are you now, Hero ? You do know I have a girlfriend" Felix says with a serious face.

"I don't get jealous." Hero glares at him leading us outside. Before I open the door Hero softly pushes me against the car placing his hands on my waist. "Are you going to school tomorrow ?"

"I have to go, i don't like hiding from my problems" I slowly lay my head on his hard chest. "I'll be here for you Jo, you know that right ?"

"Promise ?" I look up at him. "I promise" he slightly bends down planting a small kiss on my lips. I get on my toes cupping his cheeks deepening the kiss. "Jo" he mumbles against my lips. "Wait" he pulls away. "Lets take this slow... if we keep going I won't be able to control junior" I can already feel his cock pocking my stomach. I nod trying to control my pregnancy hormones. "When are you gonna tell your mom ?"

"Maybe tomorrow" he opens the door for me. "Lets go back so I can pick up Lisbeth"

Part of me is still surprised how kind Hero is to me. I'm use to him being rude to me. "How come you're so rude and mean to me ?" I look at him but his eyes remain on the road. He lets out a small laugh, he then looks at me "wait you're being serious ?" I nod, "Im nice to you out of all the people I know"

"That's not true, you're nicer to girls that you met in that same day and you've known me longer"

"I'm only nice to them so I can fuck them and then after that I really just don't give a fuck"

I frown thinking about how he was so nice to me at the beginning. He was just trying to have sex with me, and he won. Was the sex nothing to him ? "You were only nice to me at the beginning to have sex with me ?" I frown, he looks at me for one quick second before his eyes go back to the road. I let out a shaky breath. "Jo I-"

"Answer me this Hero, was the sex nothing to you ?" My visión is already becoming blurry from the tears that are starting to pick up at the corner of my eyes. "Stop the car" My voice cracks at the end. I take deep breaths, I won't cry anymore. Not this time. "I'm not stoping the car Jo"

"Stop the car Hero" seconds go by and he still doesn't open the door. I open the door "Jo what the fuck close the door !" I have my seatbelt on it's not like I'm gonna fly out. He sighs pulling over to the side. "Answer the question"

"I'm not answering it, now close that dam door"

"Answer the question" deep down I do not want to know the answer.

"I said close the fucking door Jo" he grits his teeth.

"Just answer the fucking questions Hero !" I shout with tears already going down my cheek. "Answer it !" I shout, "The sex didn't mean anything to me" Ouch. I take my seatbelt off hoping out the car.

"Where are you going ?" He shouts when I close the door. I ignore him beginning to walk to my house. "Jo it's getting dark get inside the car" he says driving the car on the road right next to me. I sigh in relief when I see a bus stop sign, I stand right next to it. "You're not taking the bus, get in the car Jo" I take my phone out ignoring him. My tears fall on my phone. I bite my lip hiding my sobs, i look down as people pass by me. From my purse I take out two dollars. I wipe my tears away stepping inside the bus, I pay the driving sitting all the way at the back.


I get out the bus tightening my small sweater around me. It got windy and I still need two more blocks to walk to get home. I jump when I feel a hand on my wrist. "Calm down it's just me" Hero turns me around. I yank my hand away turning back around. He slides his arm around my waist pulling me back.

"What the fuck do you want ?"

"We didn't finish talking"

"Well I did. I can't believe I actually thought our relationship was going to work. You're a jerk Hero I've never cried this much in my life but ever since I met you all I do is cry. You bring out the worst in me"

"Do I really ?" He frowns taking a step back as if my words actually hurt his cold soul. "Yes you do. I've never been treated so poorly in my life... but ever since we became friends my life has just been..." I shake my head stopping myself from saying anything else. "You don't mean that" he whispers.

"I do mean it Hero." He stays silent with a frown on his lips... he looks so sad. Their's this look on his face I've never seen before. He steps closer reaching for my hands but I step back. "Tell me you don't mean that Jo, please tell me you don't mean that"

"We need to focus on our baby, Hero. I don't need anything distracting me. I've cried too many times these past days and it's not good for the baby"

"Let me take you home" his voice is shaky and his eyes are on the ground with his hands inside his pockets.

"I don't trust myself being alone with you."

"Do you regret meeting me ?" His question catches me off guard. "I need to go home it's getting darker. I'll see you around" I walk away leaving him standing alone. I force myself to not look back but my heart shatters when I do look back. He's crying, tears run down his cheek.

Author Note
I'f their's any typos please let me know so I can fix them :)
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Random question: How did you find out about the after movie ? Or the books ?
I found the After movie in Instagram, i was scrolling through my "for you" page and an account had posted it and I immediately like the song it was playing so I kept watching the video until I saw Hero. And I was like dam he hot. 😭

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