Fetish For Love- 24

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Josephine POV
The following day I go downstairs around two pm since I didn't feel like being surrounded by people. Not that I have people to hang out with, all my friends don't text me or check up on me if I'm okay with my pregnancy.

When I go downstairs I find my mom and Sebastian sitting down at the kitchen looking like if they've been waiting for me. "How did your appointment go ?"

"Good" I fake smile, "sit we need to talk" she says serious, what the fuck her mood just switched up in a second. I awkwardly sit down across from them.

"Soooo me and Sebastian want to move together" she says very slowly. "Like him move in with us to this house ?" Not surprised their always together.

"No somewhere else like at another house. We found a nice two story house fifteen minutes away from here." Oh. Okay didn't see that coming.

"I'm giving you a choice to move in with Hero if you don't want to move in with us, I mean you're turning 18 in a month and-" why does it sound like she's pushing me slightly away as the days go by.

"No it's fine I rather move in with ya." I quickly cut her off. "Are you sure ?" I nod smiling.

"We're planing to move in by this Saturday, I know it's soon but-" she stops and blushes. I get it my mom is in love and what's to move in with him as soon as possible. "I get it mom I'm fine with it." I smile, I want to get out of this town. Start a somewhat a new life, my life is already fucked up.

"Do you mind starting packing right now ? It's Wednesday and we want everything packed by Friday" I nod walking to my room. After packing for half an hour Sebastian comes into my room, "Do you need help packing anything since you know you're pregnant" he smiles scratching the back of his neck.

"No I'm fine" I mumble going back to packing. "Well uhh here I brought you boxes so you can put your things inside"

"Thank you just leave them there" I walk to my closer and begin to take all my shirts and hoodies out. I throw my head back and let out a scream, I need to get my shirts from Hero's house & my hoodies & sweats basically half of my clothing. I sigh grabbing the keys to my car. "Where you going ?"

"Going to tell Hero about me moving" I lie, "I want you home before it gets dark." I hum walking to my car.


It's two thirty he's still in school. How the hell am I gonna get inside his house. I open his front door... and it's open. I slowly walk inside making sure no one is home. I walk further into his house quickly walking to his room. I slowly walk towards his bed where I found one of my shirts and sweats laying down on the floor. I bend down picking them up. I smell them and it smells like another girls scent nothing like mines.

I walk to the kitchen towards the garbage can and throw them out. I walk back to his room and try to find the rest of my clothing. I jump when I hear a door get slammed. I quickly look around for a place to hide. I run to his closet, I slowly close the door making sure it doesn't creak.

"Close the door" I hear Hero's voice. "Did you buy a condom ?" I hear a girls voice. Definitely not Denise's voice. I yelp when I feel something against my arm. "What the fuck, hold on" Hero says.

My eyes widened when someone opens the door to the closet. "Wait for me outside" Hero says to the girl not looking away from me. "What are you doing here ?" He grabs my arm taking me out of his closet. "N-nothing I just came to get my clothing."

"Why were you hiding in my closet"

"I heard you come and I got scared so I hid" I whisper. "You could've called me letting me know you're coming" He glares at me as he walks passed me to get to his closet. "I thought you were in school"

"I got out early" he mumbles, "oh"

"Here " he hands about ten shirts. "I need my hoodi-"

"I'm looking for them" he snaps, "Hero I'm sorry about-"

"I don't wanna talk about it, you get your things and you leave."

"Is lisbeth doing good ?" I change the subject. "Can you stop asking fucking questions you're nothing important to me, for me to be telling you about my family"

"Here take your shit and go" he throws me my hoodies.

"Hero do you still want to be part of the baby's life ?" I step closer to him.

"No, now get out" he grabs me by the arm but I quickly yank it. He grabs my arm again but his wraps his hand tightly around my arm. "Hero wait" I scream trying to yank my hand but his grip is too hard. I scream his name again.

"Hero wait you're hurting me" I let out a sob. "Shit I'm sorry" he quickly lets me go and steps back.

Authors Note
200 votes for a double chapter. Please comment how you feel about this chapter !
(Is Their's typos don't mind them)

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