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-~The Next Day~-

Ah yes, another astronomical day in south side Chicago. The cold air, the smell of marijuana, and the crackhead who I pass everyday on my walk to school, a routine that was getting old if you ask me, nothing good ever happens anymore, It's days like this that make me miss Cassandra even more, I wonder how she's doing with her new family in New York, oh yeah, Cas also got adopted, you should have seen her face on FaceTime, she was so happy, I was so happy for her.

I turned the corner, what I saw brought me out of my thoughts.

"Aye, ain't that the bitch that was with Carl the other day?" A man from the other day points at me. As we make eye contact, my heart starts racing, and my fight or flight instinct kicked in. My first thought was to run, but I didn't want to seem afraid, so I thought I'd just keep walking, but if they think I'm ignoring them they might shoot me. So I weighed out the pros and cons, and decided the best option was to run.

Unfortunately, I wasn't as fast as I was when I was running with Carl, so it was easy for them to catch me. "Where's ya lil white boyfriend?" He asked me, "i don't know, I was just trying to go to school asshole, besides, he's not my boyfriend, and he doesn't even go to school anymore, whatever he's doing right now, has nothing to do with me, now let go of me, dickhead, bef-" before I could finish he had punched my jaw, "watch your tone when you talk to me bitch" I got up from the ground and spit blood, "You call me a bitch, but you're the one who just punched a teenage girl, and is looking for a teenage boy, the only bitch I see here is you" I cough out and let a smirk show on my face, "aye bruh, Come on G-Dog, she ain't even worth it" I hear one of his friends say, I couldn't help but burst out laughing, even though it hurt to laugh.

"They call you G-Dog" I laugh more, "wow, your name doesn't really fit your image, cause you ain't nothing but a bitch, and a bitch is all you'll ever be" I knew what I was in for, but I didn't care, it felt good to call him out, surprisingly they didn't kill me, or hurt me to the point of where I could die, they actually just left.

I started walking home but there was a note on the door,

"y/n, were at Fiona's, so go there after school"
  ~Kev and V

I went there after school, and to my luck everyone was sitting in the living room when I walked in.

The "Omg y/n what happened to your face" comments flooded me at once, everyone questioning me made me nervous, and when I'm nervous, I explode "SHUT TF UP" I looked at everyone as I had their undivided attention "I fell down, in the cafeteria, you should've seen it, everyone laughed" I let out a fake laugh hoping they'd believe me.

"Wow you're such a dork" Lip laughed and stared back at the TV, "well did you beat anyone up for laughing at you?" Ian said, "no i didn't" I looked at him, "man y/n I have so much to teach you" he shook his head, "no you don't, my babies not turning into a rabid animal like the Gallagher children" Kevin said, making everyone laugh.

I went up to the bathroom and washed my face, I look in the mirror for about 2 minutes, before Carl comes in.

"What actually happened" his eyes were cold, not playful like they usually were, I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or not so I just acted casually, "I told you, I fell" I fake laugh and shake my head, but his eyes were still cold, he  put his hands on my shoulder and backed me to the wall gently, "Y/n, who did this to you, was it G-dog..." he looked me in the eye and his softened a little, "did you run into him? If he did this I swear to God I will kill him" His voice was deeper than usual, I could hear the anger in his soft tone, "I fell" I didn't want Carl to kill anyone so I kept lying, "no you didn't", "yes I did", "no you didn't", we stared at each other for about 2 minutes, "fine, but I'm not letting you walk to school alone anymore".

Dear Diary, I don't think Carl will actually kill anyone, but at the same time I wouldn't put it past him, besides, he'll probably forget all about it by tomorrow. But why does he care so much, why does Carl want to protect me, I promised Debbie I wouldn't fall for Carl and it's barely been a month and I'm already breaking that promise, ugh..I'm sorry Debbie..I really am.

-end of diary entry-

-The Next Day-

I walked awkwardly next to Carl, "You don't have to do this Carl, I'm a big girl, so treat me like one" I looked up at him as we walked, "I don't care, and I'm only walking with you because I want to, not because I feel obligated." He reassured me.

We turned the corner and saw G-Dog again

"Why don't I just take a different way to school" I shook my head and thought to myself. Great Here We Go Again.

G-Dog starts laughing "Look she brought her boyfriend with her this time", "this time?" Carl asks, "oh she didn't tell you about our little conversation yesterday" he smirked. Carl looked at me, I knew he was mad, I knew he was gonna yell at me later, that is, if we even live to see later. "Nah, but that's okay, I have your money, so that means you can leave me and my girl alone now" Carl throws the money at him, "and if you ever fucking touch her again" Carl walks closer to him, "you'll be running to find a new block" He grabs my hand and keeps walking. (Ooh yes Carl🥺).

"Why the fuck the did you lie to me Y/n, this isn't a fucking game, this is the hood you can get killed" he stopped and looked at me, "I know, I-" he cut me off again, "no you don't fucking know, if a guy on these streets pulls out a gun and says he'll kill you, 10 times out of 9, he means it, now I don't know how the fuck they did things back at the orphanage but this shit is real, and it's every man for themselves".

I don't know why I took so much offense to his words, but I did, I wanted to cry, but not in front of him, "I'm sorry I'm not "hood" like you Carl, I'm sorry I don't know how dangerous it is, but that doesn't give you the right to bring stuff like that up" I felt hot tears coming, "y/n.." "no.." I cut him off, "I should've listened to Debbie, I should've never hung out with you, because now I think I'm falling for you, and I can't do that...not to Debbie, so please stop flirting with me, stop doing that cute little smile thing you do, and stop calling me "your girl" cause I'm not, I'm nobody's girl, I'm my own girl, and I don't need you to protect me from people like G-Dog, so please Carl from now on leave me alone"

And with those words, I left Carl. Standing there.

Dear Diary, so you know how people say, breaking up with someone you're not actually dating is worse than an actual break up? I finally know what they mean by that, It's a bittersweet feeling actually, because I feel like I kept an important promise to my best friend, but lost a best friend at the same time.
And I meant everything I said to Carl, I really was falling for him, which is why I needed space from him, the worst part is, I can't believe I told him...he probably hates me now, cause I hate me now.
-Diary Entry 3-
I updated this at 1:00am, because cool kids don't sleep😚

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