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"So far, out of everything you told me, the only thing I got from it was that you replaced me with some girl named Debbie" Cas said pretending to be jealous, "oh my god, you're such a pain, I could never replace you Cas" we both burst out laughing.

"But honestly y/n, I love you, you're my best friend, and this Carl dude, seems like an asshole who doesn't deserve you, you're better off without him"

For some reason, Cassandra always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better, which was why she was my best friend,

"But omg, Cas, I can't believe you were adopted by some rich ass family who lives in North Side, you're so lucky!" I nudge her arm "yea, I like it here, sometimes, but I miss our wild adventures in south side" she smiled and we both burst out laughing, again. "Hey, there's this place around the corner that has really good Chai lattes, you've gotta try them!" she jumped up and down, "come on!!!" She ran downstairs.

As we walked through the neighborhood, I looked at all the big houses, I would love to live in a house like this one day, but..All I'll ever be is south side trash. I frown.

"Girl, why so down? are you thinking about Carl the big bad wolf again?" I laughed at her words "not this time, just thinking about life..I guess" I sighed and looked at the clouds.

After about 10 minutes of walking we reach the cafe, and order our Chai lattes.

"Hey,Cas, didn't expect to see you here on a Monday afternoon" some dude with curly hair said "and who's your friend? Never seen her around here, she must be south side"

Well shit, that was kind of offensive

"This is y/n, my bestfriend, the one I'm always telling you about, y/n, this is Grayson" she smiled as she introduced us "ohhh so you're the infamous y/n, so good to finally meet you" he smiled and shook my hand.

-time skip a week, because we're ready to see our boy Carl again, even though he's a meanie-

"Omg, I can't believe it's been a week already" Cas said trying not to cry, "geez Cas, don't cry, I'll be back before you know it, In fact, I'll be back so many times, you're gonna get tired of me" I laugh as I reassure her. We gave each other one more hug before I greeted Grayson, "I'm really glad I got to meet you south side" he smiled and pulled me into a hug

Oh btw that's Graysons nickname for me, south side, I don't know about you guys, but I like it, Carl never gave me a nickname.

"Oh and south side, by the way, you're totally the coolest chick I've met in a while, and maybe I'll come to south side, to see you" he smiled still holding me in the hug.

I smiled and got into Kev's pick up truck.

-back home-

When I got home, I decided to hang the new pictures of me, Cas and Grayson on my wall, I smiled and stared at it for a while.

-another month long time skip because somethings about to happen-

Its been a month since my week long visit with Cas, but I've hung out with Grayson twice since then, and I think I was actually starting to like him..but there's no way he'd fall for south side trash like me...

"Y/n could you come here for a sec, I need your help with the laundry" V yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming, " I went downstairs to see Cas and Grayson standing in the living room, "omgg" I run and pull them both into a hug.
"What are you guys doing here?" "We're here because we missed you, obviously, and to try south side lattes" Cassandra laughed and Gray rolled his eyes "but mostly because we missed you" he smiled, pulling me into a personal hug.
"But I'm only here for today, because Kelly, my foster mom totally wouldn't let me stay here, because...well..it's south side" Cas said and we start laughing, "but I can stay, if you want, besides Cas has known you most of her life, it's my turn to get to know you" he smiles, "of course you can stay, I don't mine, V doesn't either" I tried not sounding too excited.

The next day, Cas was gone, but Grayson was still here so I decided to take him to Patsy's.

"Wow so this is what restaurants on south side look like?" Gray said, "I was expecting much worse" he said jokingly, "I should have known you'd be boujee" I laugh at my own statement, "haha my name is y/n and I laugh at my own jokes" he says mockingly, I laugh and gently shove him.

After we left patsy's, I decided to show him around south side.

"And that house right there, is where Ian's boyfriend, beat up Frank" we both laugh,
"So, let me get this straight, Ian and Mickey are dating, but Mickey is married to a Russian prostitute?" Grayson asks and starts laughing "that's exactly what's going on, you're a fast learner" we both laugh, and Grayson grabs my hand, "ya know south side, you're not too bad" he intertwined our fingers, I smile and rub his hand with my thumb "in fact..I think I might be-" before Grayson could finish his sentence he's cut off my someone coming up to us.


God, here we go

"Carl" I glare at him

I was about to start yelling at him before I seen Nick and Dom right behind him, I shook my head "of fucking course" I started to pull Grayson past Carl, but Carl grabbed my other hand but I pushed him. "Leave me alone Carl..okay? You're happy with Dom, so don't come try to mess things up for me."

"Wow, you're a slut" Dom calls out and starts laughing "I can't believe you already have a new boy toy, and just a few weeks after Carl cheated on you" she smirks and wraps her arms around cars from behind, but l wasn't gonna get angry, because deep down, I knew I was the bigger person, I knew I was simply better than her, "shut up, Dom" Carl screams at her, Nick just stands there in silence, "no, it's okay Carl" I say calmly "but it's pretty ironic, considering you were the one slumped over the table in an empty classroom" I smile at her "you know, you and Carl are perfect for each other, you're both liars, you're both cheaters, and most importantly, you're both disgusting, I'm surprised you both don't have a disease by now, but I'm not gonna call you a slut, because I'm against women putting down other women, but just because I'm not gonna say it, doesn't mean I'm not thinking it" I smile and hear Grayson laugh, which makes Carl mad.

"Who the fuck even are you" Carl yelled at him, "oh I'm Grayson, and you must be, the asshole y/n keeps telling me about" he held his hand out to shake Carl's hand, "no? Okay" he laughed and pulled it away.

While Carl was talking to Grayson I looked at Nick with hurt in my eyes "I thought you would at least be different" is what my eyes would say if they could talk.

"You're acting like a tough guy, but really we know you're just hiding behind y/n, because if she wasn't here, I would've been beat your ass" Carl took a step closer "kinda funny because I'm actually standing in front of her" Grayson also takes a step closer to Carl, "I actually thought you'd be taller Gallagher, but I guess not" he laughed and looked down at him "I would say let's talk this out man to man, but the height difference says man to boy" Gray said, "you're acting like you know y/n, but I bet you don't even know her last name" Carl said with furrowed eyebrows "I do, it's y/l/n, but soon it's gonna be g/l/n (Graysons last name)" he smirked at Carl.

Before Carl could even think he pushed Grayson making him stumble back, then Carl threw consecutive punches landing only about half of them on Grayson, Grayson then spit out blood and punched Carl.

"what a pain" I said under my breath "Carl stop it" I yell at him, but they kept going, this went on for about a minute.

Nick pulled Carl off of Gray, and I held Gray back. I looked at Graysons busted face and shook my head. Grayson wrapped his arm around me as I helped him stand up. "Why are you fighting for her, she's done with you, she's told me on multiple occasions that she never wanted to see you again, so you're wasting your time" Grayson said to Carl.

I looked at Carl who was looking at me with a swollen eye, "is that true, y/n..? You never wanna see me again...?" He breathed heavily, I could hear his voice breaking, if I tried to use my words I know I would've just started to cry, so I just nodded and looked away from him, "well that works perfect for Carl because now he can spend all of his time with me" Dom said holding Carl, "this has nothing to do with you" Grayson said to her, "yes it does, because I'm pregnant" she smiled and put her hand on her stomach.

I felt everything inside of me break at once, when I heard her words I knew me and Carl were over..


and I oop- this has 1600 words, so Ive gotta lot to proofread, you know what I want someone to proofread for me😭 if anyone wants to help me proofread, can you?

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