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I'm finally updating this, but give me a break, that Fourth of July thingy took a lot of brain power I need to take a nappy nap, but I'm back now🥱

"What do you mean, Carl?" I say as calmly as possible but still agitated.

"What? Huh? I didn't say anything"

"Carl don't fuck with me right now" I said getting a little mad.

"Okay fine, but don't yell at me, or hit me, promise you won't get mad" he said

I sigh "fine I promise I won't get mad, now tell me how she got it"

"The day after Debbie caught us, I saw it sitting on your dresser, and you weren't in the room so I picked it up...and decided to take it home..." he said the last part as if he knew I was gonna get mad, but I kept my promise... for now anyways.

"Is that all that happened?" I ask

"No, I sat it on my dresser and the next day it was gone, I thought you had came and took it back so I didn't think anything of it, if I would've known Dom had it, y/n I swear I would've gotten it back in a heartbeat" he looked at me.

I looked at him with a straight face, and smacked the back of his head.

"Ouchhh you promised" he rubbed the back of his head.

"I promised not to get mad, I didn't promise not to hit you" I contradict him.

"And that's why you don't take something that doesn't belong to you stupid" I yell but not angrily, "what's wrong with you?"

"What wrong with me? Oh I don't know cause I'm sTuPiD" he sticks his tongue out at me. I look at him and laugh.

"Whatever, I guess there's nothing I can do about it now, I lost Gray, so that kinda sucks, but other then that, no one really cared" I giggle.

"Good, I'm glad he's gone" Carl gets up.

"Where you going?" I ask

"Sit under the L for a while, wanna come?"

"Yea sure" I start to get my jacket out of the closet.

"Here just take my mine" he says.

"Ew no, how cliche" I shake my head.

"Just take it"

"Fineee" I take it.

"Wanna smoke a blunt while we're there?" He asks me.

"You know I don't smoke Carl" I sigh, "I've told you this countless times"

"You smoked one with me before" he looked confused.

"Yea that was because I was confused emotionally" I laugh, "fine I'll take a hit or two" I laugh.

The rest of the night me and Carl sat under the L, counting as each train came by, laughing and screaming, being loud and obnoxious for no reason at all. We held hands, made out for a while, threw rocks, walked on the train tracks, until it was about 3:45am.

For once, everything felt the way it was supposed to, Carl was back, not that he ever left but, you know what I mean, Cas is still my best friend, I still have debbie, and Dom is gone, maybe her telling my secret was actually a good thing.


gonna start updating on schedule again, not that I ever had a schedule but you knowww :))

Publish time: 3:56AM

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