1.4 (Fourth Of July Special! Part One)

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Song: At My Best - Machine Gun Kelly, I dunno it just kinda fits in this chapter.

It was around 4:30 in the afternoon and me and Carl were still asleep, or I was in anyway.

"Y/n?" he says interrupting my sleep

"hmm?" I groan

"so like, I know it's only your first year here..but like, on tomorrow, every year we have kind of this block party thing for 4th of July, it's kinda stupid..but I was gonna ask if you wanted to come..or not cause it's kinda super lame...unless you want to?"

"I only heard half of that" I rolled over so my back was facing him. He tucked his arm around my waist

"I said-" he started "I'm kidding, I heard you" I yawned and sat up.

"I already have plans with Grayson and Cassandra"

"Oh that's cool, Cassandra can come, I don't mind" he said making me laugh

"If Cas is coming, Gray has to come too" I look at him and smile.

He looked at me, and we glared at each other for a while.

"Fine" he groaned after about 3 minutes.

-The Next Day-

Dear Missing Diary...
I hope wherever you are, you're safe. And in good hands.


"Omggg I can't believe we're spending 4th of July together, just like old times" Cas grabbed my hands and spun me around "what are you wearing?" She asked.

Cas always had a better fashion sense than me, I didn't really care how I looked.

"I dunno, my hoodie?"

"Your hoodie? Are you sure it's not Carl's hoodie" she teased me and giggled.

"Really Cas" Grayson said looking up from his phone.

"Sorry" she laughed.

"Okay, what about this?" I reach into my closet and pull out a pair of shorts.

"No y/n, you have to wear something, memorable, and I don't mean the same vans you wear everyday" she laughed and rummaged through my closet.

"Don't listen to her baby, I think you look good in anything" Grayson smiled. I faked a smile.

"You know what, I tried, wear what you want" Cas shook her head and laughed.

"What time is it?" Gray asked.

"Almost 5, we have time to stop by the cafe and pick up some tea and lattes before the party" Cas says.

"Can you guys bring me one back? I have to look for something" I sighed.

"Of course girl, we gotchu, come on Gray"

After they left, I immediately started scavenging through my room in search for my diary. I start to panic as I think of what would happen if Gray found it.

After completely destroying my room, I finally came to the realization that I lost it, "I probably just left it at Cassandras" even though I knew that was wrong, it gave me a sense of comfort, for now anyways.

Soon Gray and Cas came back with our drinks. "One cup of tea for our favorite southsider" she laughed handing me the cup. "We can walk down to the bar now if you guys want, Kev and V are already there setting up and stuff".

"Yes I've always wanted to see your parents bar" Gray and Cas say in sync.

I shake my head and head to the Alibi Room.

-3 hours later because I love time skips-

After greeting everyone, and introducing everyone to Cassandra and Grayson, there was about 30 minutes until the fireworks started. While we were waiting and everyone was talking, I was having a conversation with Ian, and Cas was flirting with Lip.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ian said to me


"Why don't you ever talk about how your life was before you met us?"

"I dunno..I guess that's something I want to leave in my past, ya know? You guys are my family now and it's kinda like a new chapter in my life" I smiled at him, he nodded his head and smiled.

"Just be careful with Carl, y/n, the world doesn't need another Gallagher" he laughed and punched my shoulder playfully.

I sighed thinking about how Carl was actually about to be a dad.

"Besides, this is your first Fourth of July with us, and I think it's gonna be one for the books" he winked and laughed.


After about 20 minutes, everyone grabbed their lounge chairs, blankets, and spots on the tailgates of trucks, and waited patiently for the fireworks to begin, it grew quieter as time went on. Then I see a girl climb on top of a truck and yells

"Ahem, everyone, I have an announcement to make"

I lean my head on Gray's shoulder and watch the girl. "Who is that" Cas said, "I dunno I can't see from here" I laugh.

"As you all know, we recently added a new member to our southside family" I see the lady point to me "Y/n raise your hand so everyone can see" she smiles.

I see Carl run up to her "Dom what are you doing"

"Give me a minute"

"Um for those of you who don't know, Miss y/n, she is one hella of a writer" she holds up my diary and smirks. "Fucking bitch" I whisper as I stood up "Dominique stop" Carl yells at her. "Hold on, just give me a minute I said".

"And it's kind of crazy, she has some kind of weird obsession with Carl, it's like, page after page, Carl this Carl that, it's honestly pathetic" she looks at me with my diary in the air.

"Please shut the fuck up" I mumble under my breath, "just shut up"

"Y/n, what is she talking about..?" Gray looks at me.

"But that's not even the weirdest thing about y/n, she claims to be this perfect girl, but little does everyone know-"

"Dominique stop" Carl yelled at her again, trying to pull her down.

"Grayson how much does y/n tell you?" She smiles at Grayson.

"Shut up shut up shut up, please, God just make her shut up" I mumble again, and start to breath heavily. "I bet she didn't tell you that she fucked Carl behind your back" just as the words left her mouth fireworks went off, like her words just exploded in my face.

I looked at Grayson who was looking at my with tears welling in his eyes. As the fireworks went off, Carl grabbed Dominique with a satisfied smile on her face. The world around me started moving in slow motion.

It's crazy how you're reputation can plummet and free fall in just a few short minutes, and all of a sudden you're at rock bottom. Well Ian you were right, this was one for the fucking books.


"What is a beautiful life without a beautiful death? What is a beautiful mind, how is our beauty defined? Is it for you to decide, is it my duty to die? No matter how I'm remembered, just let me be remembered
Kells" MGK; song: 27

Um don't laugh at me but..this is my favorite song quote from MGK, anddd since I put one of his songs in up there^^^i thought I'd put my favorite song quote from him, like I said don't laugh at me🥺🥺🥺

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