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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


They went to the doctor's office.

"Hello, Mr. Lan Wangji, Mr. Lan Qiren, Mr. Lan Xichen. Please have a seat. And you too sir, please, all of you have a seat........ As we all know, this is a case of hit & run, so police has to be involved."

The consulting doctor said. And an elegant young man came forward.

"Hello, Mr. Wangji. I am Inspector Nie Mingjue. Officer in charge of it all...... Mr. Wangji, we already did some investigations, before coming here. We viewed the footage of all shops on the road. Though the stores and shops were close, the cctv outside were in working mode for security....... As per we see, it was not a casual hit and run case, Mr. Wangji. That car arrived just 5 minutes before you arrived. And waited for you to come. And as soon as you started to cross the road, it drove fast towards you. It actually was there to hit..."


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"...ME. I know. Lan Ying somehow knew about it. He knew that it was going to happen, so he rushed to the site and pushed me to safety, taking my part of....... Well, he knew. How? That only he can tell. He was there to save me. Find out who did it officer? However, whatever, you need to do. Do. But find out that bastard, who hit my husband. "

Wangji gritted his teeth.

"We will try our level best, Mr. Lan. But if you must know, it also makes your husband a suspect, cause he knew it was going to happen..... "

Wangji glared. Nie Mingjue raised his hands casually....

"No offense sir, just saying..it's our rule to suspect anyone and everyone....Thank you for cooperation. One of our subordinates will come and record your statement. We already got the number plate. Within a few days, culprit will be brought to justice. Keep faith on law. I will take my leave now. "

Wangji nodded. Mr. Nie went out. Wangji turned to the doctor.

"So!!! How's A Ying? What's his current condition ? "

"Well, Mr. Lan Ying's current condition is not so good, Mr. Lan Wangji. But we are trying our level best. I mean, the man, driving the car wanted to kill. So, he did his best to achieve his agenda. If condition worsens, we might have to call specialists from other branches. Are you ok with that Mr. Lan? "

"Do whatever you need. I will pay with my last drop of blood if necessary, but revive him. "

"Yes, Mr. Lan. "

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now