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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


Next day the whole Jiang family and Lan family came to meet him. Yanli hugged him.

"Di, you scared us."

"Don't worry jie. You won't get rid of me so quick. I am glued to you for this lifetime."

Wuxian said joking.

"Shut up, you idiot. I would have killed you, if you let something happen to youself."

Yanli said annoyed.

"Jie, nothing happened to me. See, am fit and fine...."

Xichen and Yao came forward.

"Honeypie, we were scared too. Infact we all were. You are the angel of god, to save our Wangji. But if something had happened to you, it would have killed us."

"Nah, sweetiepie gege and calming gege. Your blessing won't let me lose any battle, even battle with death."

Wen Ning hugged his Bestie. Wen Qing stood there beside him with a smiling face.

"You seriously gave us the scare of our life. Don't you ever dare risk your life again bestie, cause I got only one bestie and I can't afford to lose him."

"Aahhaha, you ain't getting rid of me so fast, bestie..... By the way, have you seen my suibian and chenqing!!! Am missing them. They must be wondering why their master abandoned them?"

Lan Ying said pouting. Everyone laughed. Wangji rolled his eyes.

"As if..."

He muttered. Wuxian frowned.

"I heard that. Heartless Man. You can say anything to me, I won't argue, but don't you dare mock my suibian and chenqing. They are the boon of my life."


Wangji said sarcastically.

"Hooligan bobcat. Tell me bestie, what did he do with my suibian...!!!!"

"Oh, relax. Bestie. Gege made someone wash it, service it, check engines and everything. It's in tip top condition. And, here's your chenqing. It has been ringing constantly. Your gege was calling you multiple times. I charged it and brought it to..."

"......He doesn't need it now..."

Wangji said cutting Wen Ning and snatching the mobile from his hand. Both Wuxian and Wen Ning stared at Wangji.

"But gege. It's his mobile..."

"I SAID... He doesn't need it now. He recently underwent a crucial surgery and mobile radiation is harmful to him."

He switched it off and put it in his pocket. Wuxian started feeling uneasy. He had to call and talk with Wanyin, before Wangji decided to take action about the accident. He smiled awkwardly at everyone. Wangji could sense his uneasiness & fear.

"I think it's enough for today. Doctor said too much talking and crowding would exhaust him. I think let him rest for today. And you all can meet him again tomorrow. And don't worry I will be here to take care of him of 24*7........................... I won't leave his side for a minute...... Hmmnnn, Lan Ying? Aren't you tired!???? Comeon, lay down, take rest.... "

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now