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WUXIAN was sobbing uncontrollably. He was far from coping with this new change in his life. No matter what he choose, it was leading to disaster. He was scared, confused, sick..... and even WANGJI left him.... He was sweating and enraged at his own condition. His hormones started acting up too, making him feel extremely miserable and irritated. He felt like banging his head on the wall. XINGCHEN tried to talk to him but WUXIAN screamed at him to go away. To leave him alone and his rudeness ticked off XUE YANG.....

"After all, that he did for you, this is how you treat him? Behave with him? Chen, you are coming with me right now, leave him alone.... "

"But.... "

"He doesn't deserve you, kitten. He deserves to be left alone. Behaving like psychotic stubborn kid, screaming at you...that too when you are in this fragile condition!! How dare he? No wonder Wangji dashed out. And we are leaving too, comeon..."

XINGCHEN hesitated. So, YANG held his arm tight..

" Right now!!!! Chen. He wanna kill his baby, none of my business, but am not gonna let him harm mine. "

Saying so, YANG dragged XINGCHEN out of there, leaving WUXIAN all alone. WUXIAN looked at the disappearing silhouettes, pouting and then yelled at the top of his voice.....

"Go, go, everyone go away. I don't need anyone. You will all cry when I will go far away, and you will call me and I will never come back, ever....... GOO..."

Then he started crying miserably.. He was all alone, abandoned by all his dear and near ones.....he was more than ever feeling lonely and depressed

" (SNIFFING) Everyone abandoned me. No one cares for me. "

Then he looked at his slightly protruding stomach...

"I hate you, whoever you are inside of me. You caused everyone to hate me, leave me. I hate you. Why did you have to creep in my life? You unwanted piece of crap. I won't be called a freak, a joke because of you. Mind it. (sniff, sniff)."

He wiped his tears with the back of his palm.

"Some hours ago my life felt like paradise. My whole family was together, happy. I was at the top of the world. Then you had to barge in and ruin everything. (Shouts) I hate you from the core of my heart, you heard that. I will never forgive you for ruining my life...... "

He sobbed and panted.


WUXIAN felt a sharp pain in the right side of his lower abdomen and a wave of nausea hit him with full force. He ran to the bathroom and puked his guts out. He kept puking for quite some time, and that left him very weak.

 He kept puking for quite some time, and that left him very weak

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