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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


After two hours, Dr. Yang came out of the OR. Baoshan Sanren and Wangji just stared at her, silently. They didn't ask anything, just waited patiently for her to tell them herself, inspite that all the impatience, worry and anxiety in the world were killing them.

"He is alright now. He may regain senses anytime. At first, he will feel numb, but then immense pain will hit him. I have already explained the doctors here post op procedures. I will be on my flight back. I will keep a track on his recovery.........Bless me."

Yang said and bowed to Baoshan Sanren.

"May you have all your ambitions and dreams fulfilled dear."

Baoshan Sanren blessed.

"Mnn. I will be on my way back."


Suddenly, Wangji held her left hand.

"Thank you."

Yang looked at him with annoyed stare.

"I don't like people touching me without permission, especially male....... But anyways, take care of him. He is very special and unique. Talk to the doctor. And, be careful. Bye."

"Mnnn. Good bye....... Could I...... may be call you in future...."

"Never. Don't even dream bout (about) it."

She went off. Wangji looked back at Baoshan Sanren.

"Granny, you may go, take rest. I shall be there with him."

"No, I will go after he regains senses."

They waited. Wuxian was shifted back in ICU. Wangji went in with him. Baoshan Sanren sat outside the chamber. She took out her prayer beads and sat in a meditating pose with eyes closed, and started chanting and rotating the prayer beads with finger.

 She took out her prayer beads and sat in a meditating pose with eyes closed, and started chanting and rotating the prayer beads with finger

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