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After a few days, Wuxian was discharged from the hospital. Mean time, Wangji fixed a meeting with Zhao Zhúliù.

Zhao Zhúliú was a not rude person but sternly disciplined. And talked as much necessary. Something, that Wangji admired at the first meeting itself.


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"Mr. Lan you wanted to meet me!!"

"Yes, I want to talk to you about Wuxian's safety."

"I don't work for you Mr. Lan. I work for Master Jiang. I report and discuss to him about Wuxian. Not you."

"I know. I know you don't work for me. But I am Wuxian's husband now, and also there is a common interest of you, me and Wanyin. Wuxian's safety. His well being. Am I wrong?"

Zhao Zhúliú kept silent, neither agreeing not refuting. Wangji saw that as a positive sign and continued.

"Mr. Zhao, Li jie (Yanli jie) told me that you gave A Ying your little brother's place. I think you just pretended to do that. You don't really see him as your little brother....."

Wangji paused and watched Zhuliu's reaction. Zhuliu kept a straight face but his eyes demanded explanation. Wangji leaned back on his chair and rotated the paper weight on the table with his left hand.

"........ I mean which elder brother would allow the complete isolation of his younger brother. No friends, no social life, no fun. Only pushed towards a man obsessed with him........"

"Nobody isolated Xian di from the social life. He himself felt uneasy whenever someone approached him except Master Jiang. He had trust issues. Do you even know what happened with him, while he was 12 or 13."

"About Jin Zixun? Yes ofcourse....."

"No. You don't. You know only as much Miss. Jiang knows. Let me tell you the whole thing. Wuxian was a cheerful boy, since childhood. Always smiling. He was a friend of everyone. People approached him to be his friend. Older and younger. He was always surrounded by boys and girls since childhood, for his pretty face. People give lectures, quotes and philosophy on how one should love a person's heart, his inner beauty instead of outer appearance. How they should understand a person from inside, his heart, his flaws, his talent instead of getting attracted to his outer appearance. "

Zhuliu chuckled sarcastically.

"But in the end, they remain what they are. Quotes and sayings on the pages of books. Because the first thing every one gets attracted to is a person's outer beauty, his get up. His or her pretty face. Painters never become famous, their art get famous for being attractive and alluring. A movie or drama gets rated for pretty faced actors and the real talented director, writer, stuntmen, singers, all remain behind the veil. Nobody bothers about their effort or talent. At the end of the day, it's all about beauty Mr. Lan. It's all about appearance and look and get up. "

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