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Next day WUXIAN got up with a all sore and painful body. He groaned, lying down...

"Wangji, it's paining all over. I feel so sore. And my head feels like someone's drumming inside. "

WANGJI, who had woken up before, already knew this was gonna happen, so he was ready with painkillers.

"Of course, you had those cocktails, and then our nightly activities. You will feel a little sick. Here take this. "

"What's this? "

"It's painkiller, Ibuprofen. You will feel better after taking it. "

"O.... Ok.... Ok..."

WUXIAN swallowed it with a lot of struggles, almost choking on it, though he had broken it in four halves. WANGJI just watched with furrowed brows..... His husband was a baby, who was petted by JIANG WANYIN before and now... Well!!

Then WUXIAN drank fresh lime soda, afterwards. Almost 2 glasses. And only afterwards, felt a little better. He tried to go to bathroom, but felt immense pain in his waist.

"Bobcat, could you help me to go to bathroom? I am feeling very dizzy and painful in the lower back..... "

WANGJI nodded and immediately assisted him to the bathroom. While WUXIAN washed his face with cold water and brushed his teeth, WANGJI prepared a warm bath for both of themselves. Then, together dipped inside and just laid there in the tub, in each other's embrace. Enjoying the view outside.

"Wangji... "


"Can we go to Australia from here for may be a fortnight.....?"

"Why not? Let's go....But.....why Australia?"

"I wanna meet Aunty Sanren. Chen gege's mother. Last time she came to China, Cheng gege didn't let me spend much time with her. When she left, I saw sadness and longing in her eyes. I wanna spend some time with her. I want to feel her love. I never got to know mother's love. I want to know her better and get some of her love. "

"Fine. Let me discuss with Chen and Yang. Maybe buy some presents for her and Mr. Sanren. And then, let's surprise visit them. Ok? "

"Ok. Thank you...But, will you help me buy some gifts for her. I don't know, what to buy for her and uncle. "

"Fine by me...but..but.....but first my present..... "

"Bobcat, nooooo. Am already feeling sored and..... Mmnnnnnnn, oh god stop sucking there, plzzzzzz. No, no, no not my chest, not them. Aaaahhhhh......... You are a hungry beast.... Wangji plzzz, am feeling very tired and hungry....., nooooo, don't stroke it....... WANGJIIIII....... "

And like that WANGJI indulged into another round of sex. WUXIAN pleaded to let go, but WANGJI was far from listening to anything,except Harder & Faster...... Typical LAN Alpha Lion Cub.... He went for two more rounds before letting go. And, when they finally went for breakfast, WUXIAN was visibly limping. He looked like a Wounded Beaten Bunny, from head to toe. CHEN glared at WANGJI, who smirked. As the four of them sat on the table, CHEN took WANGJI aside by excuse.

"You are a beast. A Sex Maniac Horny Beast. Are you planning to kill him? "

"You are a devil. An Angel Faced Shrewd Devil. You are sprouting pervert seed in his mind. It's our honeymoon. And he's my hubby. What do you expect? And some people got better libido boost than your Tiger. "

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now