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WUXIAN accompanied JIANG WANYIN to Lotus Pier after discharge. WANGJI walked alongside him the whole time but WUXIAN didn't even spare a glance at him. This time he wasn't going to forgive WANGJI so easy. As WUXIAN was about to ride the car fetching him to Lotus Pier, WANGJI held on his palm.

"Honey Bunny, take care

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"Honey Bunny, take care...."

WUXIAN flung his palm away and went and stood beside WANYIN...

"Gege, ask him to stay away from me and not to bother about me.......I know he's concerned about his baby, but I can't promise anything. "

WUXIAN said and went inside the car. He sat facing other side. WANGJI sighed. WANYIN patted his shoulder, in assurance.....

"Don't worry. We will take care of him. And the babies too."

WANGJI nodded. They drove off. WANGJI inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. He felt his chest tightened. He had to make WUXIAN understand, by any means..... He could not risk otherwise this time. Not only for the sake of their babies, but because he knew his HoneyBunny too well. His Fear and Anger were shadowing his real feelings.

In every aspect, WUXIAN & WANGJI were totally opposite from each other, except in one. They both let other temporary loud feelings shadow their deep real permanent feelings of inner heart, and end up regretting later. If he failed this time to convey his Bunny, the real emotions of his heart, he would end up loosing both his children and him. And, he didn't want that at any cost.

Wanna give life, wanna give heart
Wanna give my all concentration to
you Only you

Decorate dreams, loose myself
In two orbs, I go to sleep taking
you Only you

In spite of knowing, your eyes keep quite.
Everyday as if two drops more likeness occur
In song, in journey of love, in every aspect,again and again,I just want
you Only you

The day I could express myself in your ears
Embrace you tightly in the midst of my chest

I will keep Longing at your path
no matter how much you delay
can't be forgotten anymore in this lifetime,
you only you

When you smile, my lips smile
When you come, 100s of fireflies lit up
I keep you secured in my love
Tell me how else to convey, that I love you

Gathering all letters and imaginations
Colours mixes in rough noon
And with that colour I paint you
Tell me how else to convey, that I love you

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now