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"Zarqa, come out of there....come out....move on to next day. What's happening? "

".......Mmnnn.....Aaahhhh..... I... I am still.....lying down. My whole.....whole body is screaming pain....... No!! oh no!!Those approaching steps, the sound of foot steps..... Please, stop it, please stop him. Don't let him come. Don't let him touch me. Don't let him dirty me again.... Please.....!!!"

WUXIAN said screaming.

"Zarqa, calm down. Look clearly. Is it really shah!!! "

"No, I don't know. I don't want to know... I don't want to see. I have hidden myself. I can't see, I don't want to see. Just please let him be gone. I won't come out otherwise...... He's calling my name, searching me.... Please..... "

"Zarqa, Zarqa...please, calm down... Breathe.... Breathe.... Please listen carefully..... Who's it!!! And where are you hiding......? "

"In... Inside the box of clothes. Please ask him to go..... "

"Wei ying liberate....... Come out of Zarqa body and look and hear carefully...... Is it Shah or someone else!!! "

".............................. "

WUXIAN was trembling and panting hard in fear. After about a few minutes, he started speaking again.

"It's Nigar. Nigar Kalfa...She is calling me. But am scared. She is saying she had medicines for me. To cease my pain....... But what if he is there too!!!! "

"Listen carefully. Could you hear second foot steps.......!!!!"

"No....... "

"Then, she is alone... "

"She is? "

"Yes. "

"He isn't with her....? "



Nigar Kalfa came in. The bed was crumbled and blood stained. Anybody could tell what had happened the previous night. She also heard that Azura drunk too much the previous night and dozed of on the steps of the water body inside the palace, just below Zarqa's room. She sighed.

Powerful people were like God and could do anything. That's what always made her worry about her lover, one of the soldiers of Shah, Shirin. Initially, he was bullied by other troops for his short and slender form. But Azura took him under his wing and took care of him, transforming him into a warrior. She thanked god for that. She again sighed.

She kept searching and calling Zarqa. Zarqa tiptoed from inside the box. No one was there except Nigar.

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