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Outside weather was raging in such a way as if gods in heaven were hell bent on destroying the most precious creation of their.


Lan Ying was trembling while dialing again and again in the same number. But no one picked. He didn't lose patience. He kept dialing, till a voice on other side echoed in his ears. The number he desperately tried had switched off. He panicked. In rage he marched outside into the porch, the same place he was punished to sleep on his first wedding night.

He fell on his knees, drenched in the pouring raging, chilling rain and hid his face in his palm. And screamed desperately. Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck and he lost his consciousness.

 Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck and he lost his consciousness

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"You will work as the security guard, peon and also cleaner plus my personal slave from today, LAN WANGJI. Clear?"


"Say...Yes Sir...."

"Yes sir."

WUXIAN was still not satisfied.

'Why isn't he refusing? Why isn't he protesting?'

Questions killed him. He thought Wangji would be stubborn, hard to tame but contrast to his expectations Wangji perfectly agreed to everything.......Coolly!!!! With a stoic face. No protest. No glare. No angry expressions. And it frustrated Wuxian.

'How can someone like Lan Wangji, just accept a fate of a slave without protest?'

The calm, cool, accepting, mature look in his eyes mocked Wuxian. And it made him furious with rage and more vengeful and vindictive.

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now