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WANGJI could hear mumblings and feel the heat coming from the body of the person tightly embracing him. It made his sleepy mind alert. He instantly opened his eyes, but then regretted and closed them immediately back when a sharp intense pain hit his head. He took few deep breathe and slowly opened his eyes again. He then looked beside him.

WUXIAN was squirming in sleep, blabbering something. WANGJI was about to take him in his embrace, when he realized, they were sticky all over. Their body were covered with Dried Champagne, Dried Wine, Dried Sweat and Dried Cum. The Signs of their Sinful Acts, were pretty much clear, everywhere.....

"Damn!!! What exactly did we do last night??!! "

He got up and checked WUXIAN'S forehead. He was burning up. WANGJI himself wasn't on much better condition. He looked around. The whole room was in a mess. Empty Alcohol bottles, their Crushed Suits, Scattered Shoes ect were all lying around. And alongside, the once spotless white carpet of the Room, was strained of Red Wine, Food Starch and..... Well.....CUM.

"Fuck!!!! There too. We really messed up yesterday. The hotel housekeeping stuff's gonna curse us the rest of their lives after witnessing the aftermath of our sins in sin City........ "

He slowly got up, staggering to the bathroom. Washed his face and neck with cold water. Prepared a foamy, warm bath.

He checked the first aid box of the room

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He checked the first aid box of the room. Took a painkiller, opened the fridge, took a cokesoda and and gulped down the painkiller. Then after waiting for five minutes, he started feeling a little better. He then called for house keeping.

He looked around and sighed.

"Never again.......... "

WANGJI shook his head in regret...

"Never again will I wake up first after a crazy night.... Let him handle it the next time.... "

He then went near WUXIAN. Touched him. Caressed his face. WUXIAN stirred but didn't woke up. He was shivering and squirming in fever....WANGJI picked him up and went to the bathroom. He thoroughly washed both himself and WUXIAN. Dried and wore a bathrobe himself and dressed WUXIAN in comfortable pure cotton sleeping pajamas. By then the housekeeping had come and mended up the messed up bed already. WANGJI tucked WUXIAN comfortably on bed. Then he called for medical assistance.

Within 10 minutes, a doctor came to treat WUXIAN. He thoroughly checked him and then looked up...

"He had too much alcohol and less food. And too much.......well, exercise causing heavy exertion...... "

The doctor said hesitantly, while staring at WANGJI, who averted his gaze.

"I understand.... "

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now